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c h a p t e r 1


I used to live in a strict household. Due to the way I lived I wasn't used to pornography or anything of that nature. Family always restricted such things to keep me 'innocent', but when I finally moved out that's when things started to change. Being my curious self I so happened to come across a website full of sexual activity. I clicked on one of the videos and noticed that this wasn't just a regular nor normal pornography as people have said, but a live broadcast; full of timed comments.

Internet famous KJ guy was a cam boy and that was his name on the Internet. One thing I liked about him was his mask that he wore only showing his eyes yet his lips. I continued watching him for months and months;

Months became like a whole year. I want him to be my boyfriend for some strange reason and I wanted him to be mine. Pretty weird to say when I haven't met him in person. But I think I've fallen in love with some cam boy from a porn website. And as to some people they'd probably find me disgusting in multiple ways.


My alarm went off. I wake up drowsy and even more tired than before, yet aroused. I face palm myself, 'not again.'

Jeez so tired, 'I shouldn't have stayed up late finishing that project' I think to myself as I stretch. I chose an art major in college hoping to become famous off my art.

I get up to take a shower. After, I put on some jeans and a white shirt. Then I head to school. I usually eat breakfast but I was running a bit late from sleeping in. I had an amazing dream.. probably shouldn't get into detail.

As I'm walking in I bumped into 'Jungkook' I know he's the student body president, the volunteer-er, and all that good little boy stuff. I swear he seems innocent but something is so off. He hasn't cracked an angry face since I've been here.

"Are you okay?" He says with a worrying expression on his face.

"Yeah." I didn't look at him. Which earned me a disrespectful speech from an upperclassman named, Yoongi.

"When you're talking to your upperclassmen at least show some respect that's so annoying!"

I looked up and rolled my eyes. Yoongi was about to come towards me till Jungkook blocked his way. "How about you come with us after class for some drinks and food." He asks with a crystal white smile. My heart accelerates;

"S-sure" I gave them a confused look and left.


Classes were over I only had one class with Jungkook, which was my last class. I tagged along to his group meeting, because I had nothing else to do. But I need to get home before 12 to watch KJ's live stream, so delusional;


"Are you not going to talk or are you just going to sit there and drink up all the beer." Yoongi said

Everyone was looking at me. I didn't know what to say until, 'my friend' Jimin said something to save my ass.

"Bro chill it's not that serious if he doesn't want to talk he doesn't have to." He shoved Yoongi's shoulder.

"What ever." I guess Jimin's his soft spot. I slightly smile at the thought.

The night continues I was getting a bit tipsy and found myself drunk. I hate when I get drunk I feel so bad the next day. I don't even remember how many bottles I've intoxicated my body with.



"Come on Taehyung we have to go!" Jimin yells from across the room.

"Hey! What's going on." I say wondering what all the fuss was about.

"Taehyung won't move." Jimin says frustratedly.

"I'll take care of it you can go home."

"Thanks man." He patted my back before going out the main entrance.

I looked at Taehyung. Why did he drink so fucking much.

"Taehyung where do you live.."




I told myself I'd help but I don't know where he lives. I'll just take him to my place. I picked up Taehyung and carried him to my apartment. I earned a bunch of stares from people on the sidewalk but I didn't give a fuck. 'Why are they staring'

As I was about to walk into my apartment Taehyung just.. just had to throw up on me. I was about to lose my temper and patience with him. When we finally walked in, I layed him on the couch and then I went to take a shower. Who knew a guy like him would get so drunk.



I woke up and found myself in a different house. Thoughts were running through my head like... why did I get drunk? Who's house is this? DID I GET LAID HOLY CRAP!? My answers were about to be answered when I heard a door open and jungkook came out only in boxers.

" do you want some water." He asks while drying his hair.

"Yeah sure."

I examined him. Ever since I met him something is so off and his voice is so familiar it really is fucking annoying when you don't know who he actually is. That's when I saw it the two moles on his leg. Is he "KJ"? Should I ask.... no! Wait yeah! Wait no..... umm

"Here you go-" I cut him off.

"Are you KJ" Might as well say now or never.

He gave me a blank expression look.

"Pft no I don't know who that is..." he nervously chuckled.

"Oh...." I too nervously do so as well.

He turned the tv on and I examined him more. I know it's none of my business, but it wouldn't hurt to ask once more. You know just in case. Plus everyone I know knows about KJ so why doesn't he?

"Are you sure because you have the same voice... same hair texture.. and the two moles on his leg." When I had looked back up at him there was so much anger in his eyes that I couldn't even explain.


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