006 [R]

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c h a p t e r 6


After work I went home. I guess I was just caught up into reality knowing that it wasn't easy trying to get someone to fall in love with you. I wanted to just drink my problems away but drinking wouldn't do anything but make me suffer even more.

I can't tell anyone what issues I'm dealing with since Jungkook told me not to tell anyone. I'll keep his promise, because I'm willing to get him to notice and love me. How could I be so careless I should've yelled at him when he snatched the tray away from me. But i guess I didn't want to seem whiny or desperate.

I opened my apartment door, put my jacket and door keys up on the rack. I took my shoes off, before touching the cold floor. I went straight to the bathroom took a shower, came out took the ice cream from the fridge then I sat on the couch eating ice cream curled up in a blanket.

'Am I heartbroken? No just sad.'

I watched Netflix for about an hour until my door bell rang. I didn't want to get it but then it continued to ring. "GO AWAY YOU BITCH!" I yell at the door.

"Taehyung open the door..."

'Oh shit'

My eyes widened... was that jungkooks voice. I went up to the door cracked it open and looked Jungkook into the eyes. What was he doing here ....

"What are you doing here, don't you have a stream in like I don't know 30 minutes ?" I say annoyed.

"I sent a message on there telling people I wouldn't be going live today."

"Why.." I was hoping to watch it. My plans for tonight are ruined now.

"Because I had to apologize."

".. okay go ahead.." Apologize?

"There's two ways I'm going to do this.."

Everything was silent until Jungkook decided to speak up again.


He stepped closer to me causing me to almost trip.

"I'm sorry." He spoke up;

What's going on. I was against the wall now. What is he doing. He then slammed his arm beside my head causing me to flinch. He leaned down. Next to my ear he whispered.


"I'll make you feel real good baby boy."

I was blushing. He had his hands up my shirt. He played with my nipples causing me to squirm. I wanted to tell him something, but he went in for a kiss. He continued to kiss me. He kissed down my neck leaving hickies. His hands still playing under my shirt;

"Wait!" I stopped him.


"What am I to you .." I asked curiously. It didn't matter what he thought about me I just wanted more.

"Taehyung. Would you like to be my sex partner?"

I gave him a look why would he ask me to be his sex partner. But then again I would be having sex with Jungkook all the time. I always wanted to do this. I can't take an opportunity down like this! I still thought about it, am I being manipulated.

"It's a yes or no Taehyung. You wouldn't waste this opportunity by your favorite cam-boy"

He tap my chin making me look up at him.

"Would you??"

"Are there any rules?" I asked hesitantly. I wanted to know.

"Yes." He said staring at me with lustful eyes.

"Rule number one, no looking at other guys the way you look at me." He said whispering in my ear.

"Rule number two, you'll do what I say when I say it."

"Rule number three, we can't fall in love with each other."

'What ? I'm already in love with him though' I say in my head.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Yes." Why did I do that. I am so stupid. All of this because I like some cam boy! It was dark in my apartment, Netflix was still going on. I'm about to give up my virginity to a famous camboy.

"Good, now shall we continue."

"Y-yes." He smirked and continued. My body felt pleasurable. He kissed me again deepening the kiss even more. I kissed back, the taste of his lips were amazing. He was passionate yet rough.

His hand grazed under my shirt yet again, causing me to gasp. I can't wait much longer. I pull away from his kisses. I stared at him. His eyes were dark and filled with lust. Pupils dilated; he was an animal.

"Can't you just hurry up and fuck me." I say trying to catch my breath.

Taehyung took Jungkook by suprised. Jungkook smirked. "Of course baby boy." Jungkook went in for another kiss whilst taking his clothes off. Taehyung doing the same.

Jungkook pulled away causing Taehyung to whine. "Don't be a pussy I'm just... you know getting you prepared." Jungkook smirked walking back over to Taehyung with lube and a condom.

"Turn around and get on four." Taehyung did as told. He felt scared yet excited. Excitement bubbles in his stomach.

Jungkook began putting the lube on Taehyung. After Jungkook finished he went in without warning. Taehyung screamed in pain. Wondering if pleasure would happen very soon.

Jungkook quickened his pace and thrusted faster, not caring. Taehyung was a moaning mess. Pleasure with the slight feeling of pain was taking over his body. He began to grow weak in his legs as he was arriving to his climax.

"Mm- Jungkook I'm going to come!" Taehyung moaned. "Fuck, me too." Jungkook groaned. Jungkook quickened his thrusts even faster riding out his climax. Taehyung moaned as he came. Jungkook came at the same time also.


"So how do you like the life of friends with benefits."

"I like it." Yet Taehyung didn't mean what he said he wanted to be more than just friends. He liked having sex but he wanted a relationship more. This is going to be harder than he thought.

But he didn't know everything about Jungkook or anything about 'KJ' he just knew that he was a fan of his.

On the other hand jungkooks career is in a tough situation considering missing live streams and etc. has been causing abrupt fan comments and hate messages. He noticed them, but ignored them.

"To be honest that was the best sex I've ever had." Jungkook told Taehyung. Taehyung blushes wondering; maybe this could work out.

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