003 [R]

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c h a p t e r 3


I didn't wait for him to decline. I went right in like I said, I haven't had sex in a long time. I would've taken him then and there but since he was a virgin I decided not to take his virginity, but at least give him a hand job.

"Ah- Wait" Taehyung told Jungkook, but Jungkook kept going. Taehyung threw his head back in pleasure.

In my head the state he was in and everything about the situation turned me on even more, everything looked so fuckable. His soft thighs and smooth skin. Hearing his moans made me want more. 'Fuck I just want to fuck him'

"M-ah Jungkook!!" he squirmed under my touch.

I stopped my actions. "What you just say?"

"Jungkook.." Taehyung eyes were more dough-y and his hair was messy. His lips look so plump. I pulled his hair into my hands. Pulling I made him look to me. His pupils dilated. 'He's really loving this'

"No it's daddy for you." I say looking him straight in the eyes.

"Y-yes daddy"

"Good boy."

I pushed him back down.


He pushed me back down harshly;

so much pleasure was filling my whole entire body it was like I was going to pass out from so much of it. I felt like I was on fucking drugs.

I was so close to climax. As the suspense grew more and more to the point I couldn't hold it Jungkook then stopped and smirked. I didn't know what he was doing. He bent down towards my crouch area. "Ready baby boy?"

Each movement of his head bopping up and down made me moan very loud. I was about to black out my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"Ahh! I'm going to cuM!!" I yell I was so close to my climax.

Few seconds later I came. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook swallow every bit of it. He smirked and wiped his lips with his hands.

"Goodnight baby boy" and with that he left the room leaving me there panting in distress.


It was morning Jungkook had left early. Everything from last night was still in my head. The thought of getting a blowjob from your favorite camboy was the best thing in the world.

I also want to know if Jungkook has two sides to him... why was he so angry.. during 'sex' he looked like he was enjoying it. He even called me baby bo-

I jump at the sudden noise. My hair was a mess. I grab my phone off the side table and answer.


"Taehyung I've been waiting outside your house for so long! what are you doing"

"Oh sorry hyung go to work without me I'll be at work in like an hour or two."

"Ok I'll cover you."

"Thanks hyung"

"No problem."

Today was Saturday which meant I had to work till 4pm.

'Ugh at least I'm being paid..'

I got up put my clothes on and headed out Jungkooks apartment and ran to my apartment as fast as I could. I have to keep this a secret though if anyone were to find out it might start rumors. Plus I'd probably get consequences like da- I mean Jungkook said.

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