30. [R]

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I ended up going to this stupid party but only for Taehyung. I just want to make up with him and apologize I never wanted things to go this wrong between us. I should've kept my dumbass mouth closed.

I walked into the building ignoring the girls staring at me and pushed through them. I was searching for Taehyung till I was stopped by a tall brown haired male.

"So what you going to tell him?" He asks me. What does he mean and why is he talking to me.

"Umm I think your wasted exc-" I try to get past but he took my hand and dragged me outside. "Hey WHAT THE-" He covered my mouth.

"Shut up im Kim seokjin the guy you've been texting."


"And I just want to tell you if you haven't noticed the guy in the house aka Taehyung aka my son is a very sensitive guy."

"I alrea-"

"You can't just go in there and apolog-"

"WHy do you keep interrupting me" I say trying to keep my cool. Jeez he talks too much.
"Sorry.." he replies.

"It's good"

"I'm just warning you not to be insensitive towards him at this state he's pretty depressed at the moment and we haven't been able to give him one drink."

"I got it I got it."

"So what are you going to say?" He questions me again."



I make my way through the crowd entering the party. I make my way up the stairs to the roof. Although it's blocked off I still managed to get through. Jin was going to talk to Taehyung and tell him that something is happening up here so he better come quick.

I sat down on the ledge of the house and looked up. 'This would've never happened if I wasn't so careless and stupid' I think to myself. I hear the door click signaling someone had came up. I turn around and see my angel.

I get up and walk towards him. "Tae-"

"What are you doing here." He says with a crack in his voice as though he was about to cry. "I wanted to-"

"Wanted to what tell me I'm a slut?!" He yells at me. I can feel his heart ache and pain all in one flashing at me. "No I just-"

"You just what Jungkook what."

"I came to apologize."



Everything was silent and the only thing heard was the muffled music from inside and the only thing I felt was the aching of my heart seeing Taehyung in such distress. "Jungkook why did you say that why would you say that." He says kneeling down on the ground crying even harder whilst breaking the silence.

My eyes widened as I went close to him but as I was trying to embrace him he pushed me away. "First tell me why and why I should forgive you for such a thing" He says crying with tears flowing from his eyes.

I take a deep breath before speaking. How can I word this...

"Taehyung, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to express my feelings then. I'm so accustomed of getting angry because of people being near you it makes me jealous. I was boiling mad because my brother was seen in your house I was so mad you kept it a secret from me that I exploded. The second you closed the door on me I realized what I had lost. I didn't mean to say those words I was so stressed and angry how you kept it a secret. But what I am stupid for is not listening to you even though you told me to. I should've listened I-im so so so sorry." I say tears on the verge of falling.

He looked up and smiled with a slight laugh. "I really wanted to hear that I really did. I too am sorry for keeping the bogum thingy a secret from you I should've told you instead of keeping it a secret." As he finishes his sentence he hugged me. "I don't think I could've ever left you."

I didn't know it was so easy to redeem such a thing back into your life. I thought I had lost something precious I thought I had ruined my life and mental state. But seeing him under the moonlight that night sparked such warmth and compassion in me for once in my life. I could never ever forget this unbearable moment I'll remember everyday of this separation and the sadness it brought to me, because honestly I don't ever want to be alone ever again without the one and only Kim Taehyung.


Two months later


The sun beamed through the curtains pulling my eyes open.

I wake up to a disturbed Jungkook he looked in pain. I slowly turned towards him some more. The brightness blinding my eyes keeping on eye opened and one eye closed. "What's wrong baby." I asked with concern.

"Ah uh nothing. How did you sleep." There is something wrong. "I slept great but I'm still sore fro-"

"Baby I can't do this."

"Do what?" I frown

"I can't keep this boner down can we please have morning sex just for today."

"Jungkook you know I have to work early today!"

"It'll be quick pleaseeee!" He begged but how could I say no he was too cute. "Fin-" my words then cut off with the grab of my ass. I let out a moan. 'He really is desperate today what was he thinking about last night.'

"Ugh baby boy I had such a wet dream about you you were so good." He groaned. 'That's why.. he had a wet dream last night'

"AhH! Jungkook be caref- Mm." I say as Jungkook plays with my nippes and bites my lip. It's probably bleeding by now. "Baby you feel so nice underneath me."

I blush. I became a moaning mess as Jungkook started to prep me. "Hmmm your so fucking tight baby boy."

"Ahh fUCK Jungkook !!" I earned a smack on my ass as punishment. "What is it?"

"I meant to say daddy."

"Good boy."

As I wait for him to enter me I look at his sculptured body. His body is even more of a turn on. But in the back of my head work was disappearing. Maybe I should call off as sick.

"Daddy hurry up and put it in."

"Hold on baby boy." He smirks as he lubricates my hole. He then enters roughly causing me to arch my back. My hands gripping onto the sheets and moans breaking through walls. "AHH Daddy you feel so damn good!!!" He then grabs my hair and bring me up for a kiss. Both of us moaning and groaning through the kiss.

"Ugh baby boy you just feel so good!!" He says while thrusting into me

"Mmm- I'm going to cum!!!" I yell I was on the verge of tears from so much pleasure he was giving me. He then speeds his climax he thrusted in an animalistic speed. My breathing hitched as my orgasm was near.

"MM fUck !!" I cum at the same time Jungkook did. His liquid feeling my insides up. "Did you like it baby boy." He says sucking and kissing my neck.

"No." I say jokingly. "What do you mean by no?" He says offendedly. He sucks harder "ow ow Jungkook I meant.." he stopped to let me finish my sentence.

"No because I loved it." I say kissing him on the lips. " baby you taste so good." I blush at the compliment. "I love you so much" I say to him.

"I love you too"

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