2K 98 12

c h a p t e r 24


This guy has been bringing in girls and boys for the last few days. They've been fucking everyday. He won't stop drinking and leaving his shit everywhere. How did Jungkook deal with this.

Ding dong

I walked up to the door seeing an older man with his wife.

"Sorry but we've been hearing a lot of ruckus here every few days is it you." She claimed.

"Yeah I'm sorry my new roommate here won't do as I say I'm trying my best sorry for the noises by the way." I replied I felt guilty.

"It's fine but please keep it down any wife and I can't sleep."

"Yes I'll make sure of it thanks for telling me."

I close the door gently and pick up the bottles that were put on the table. 'Why does he drink so much?'

"Bogum wake up! The neighbors came in again and told us that we were being loud can you at least be more considerate while staying." I say harshly.

"Don't wake me up when I'm sleeping, you should respect me."

'That's it I've had enough of this.'

"LOOK!!! I know you and your brother have a fucking grudge but I'm sick of you being here. Why am I even caught up in this mess if it's just you two!!"

"Because I want you Taehyung." His eyes darkened as he smirked. My face gave off a disgust look. He's fucking drunk.

"In your dreams just help clean and stop getting in the way. And no I shouldn't respect you when you don't even respect me nor Jungkook." I heard bogum scoff at my words. "I'm not helping, I'm going out with a friend."

It's okay Taehyung only got two more days and this will all be over.

I hear the door open then close I sit on the couch and turned my laptop on. Jungkook's live stream should be starting soon. I bit my lip.

He started to do his live streams a little bit earlier these days. Guess he has a new schedule or something.

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