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c h a p t e r 8


I ended up staying up till 1 o'clock. 'why can't I sleep.' I was tired. I looked outside the glass window. The city looked nice at night. I got up and went to get my phone. The whole place was dark and quiet.

I wish Jungkook was here. I looked at my phone noticing I had a text message from Jungkook two hours ago.

Jungkook- goodnight
Delivered 11:55pm

Taehyung- goodnight~
Delivered 1:23am

I put my phone back down on my nightstand. I was going to go and get a snack but my phone buzzed again.

Jungkook- why aren't you sleep?

I started to type again..

Taehyung- I can't sleep...

Jungkook- me neither. What a coincidence.

Taehyung- what time did you get home?

Jungkook- around 12 why? Is baby boy worried?

Taehyung- no 👀

Jungkook- hmm sure you're not.

Taehyung- why don't you fix some warm milk or something.

Jungkook- can I have yours instead?
Not delivered

Jungkook- because I'm not a fucking baby

Taehyung- I know your not a baby. you're my daddy.

Jungkook- please not now I'm trying to sleep getting a hard on would make things worse.

Taehyung- then fuck me

Jungkook- can you not, this isn't funny I won't be able to sleep.

Taehyung- I'm sorry not sorry.

Jungkook- I'm going to bed..

Taehyung- goodnight daddy~

Jungkook- goodnight baby boy~

Jungkook- you'll be punished for what you've caused.
Not delivered 2:30am

I put my phone down and went back to bed. I closed my eyes and dozed of into a deep sleep.



I woke up the next morning, Took a shower and put on a hoodie, ripped jeans, and adidas on. Bitch I'm so fucking done with life right now. For some reason lately all I've been wanting to do is see Taehyung. Even though we sit in class together it's like I can't even wait another 24 hours just to see him.

Tomorrow was Monday. I have a stream tomorrow.. ugh. "Can't I just visit him now?" I say to myself. Then again why would I want to see him. I got up and went out the door.

I began walking down the street it was currently 8 in the morning. Doubt Taehyung would be up. I heard the birds chirping and the fast vehicles rushing down the road. Gosh I'm so fucking done with this shit. I want to quit this stupid live stream shit but if I were to.. where would I get money to support my taxes, bills, etc.

"Hey Jungkook!!" I heard someone call my name. I turn around and saw that it was Jhope, "Hey what's up." I say smiling back.

He smiled. "Nothing umm just exercising." Makes since he is wearing exercising clothes. " that's pretty cool." Jhope nodded. "Why did you leave the theatre the other day so early we were wondering where you went?" He asked.

A blast of thunder caught me off guard.. 'wtf!? is it going to rain?' "Hey we should start walking." So that's what we did. We walked to my apartment complex. Hearing the thundering and lightening outside. It was so loud. Fucking bi polar weather. I sat down on the couch with jhope. He looked at his phone then puts it back down.

" you know you didn't answer my question earlier. Why did you leave the theatre so early??"

'Shit thought he wouldn't notice.'

"Umm I just had to go take care of something.... so umm how's you know the others "

"They're goo-"

My phone began to ring. I looked at it and immediately picked it up.

"Umm I have to take this." I dashed to my room locking the door. "Hey Taehyung."



"Please come ov-" he stopped mid sentence all I could hear was thunder from outside.

"Taehyung are you okay?"

"No please come over I'm scared."

"Ok I'll be right over. Okay?"


"Umm Jungkook.."

"Yes Taehyung."

"Can you stay on the phone with me till you arrive?"

"..Fine. But let me call you right back." I unlocked the door and went to the living room. Jhope was still sitting on the couch.

"Hey man I'm leaving so you gotta go."


"Because I have something important to do."

"But I dont want to-"

"Please! Just go I'm not playing games right now I have somewhere urgent to be."

"Ugh Fine kookie."

He walks out. I dial taehyungs number again.
I heard ringing from the other line till he picked up.

"Baby are you okay?"

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