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"Are you sure because you have the same voice... same hair texture.. and the two moles on his leg." When I looked back up at him there was so much anger in his eyes that I couldn't even explain.

c h a p t e r 2


Taehyung was pushed against the wall by Jungkook. Jungkook didn't look pleased for the fact that Taehyung knew his identity. All this time he thought keeping himself as 'KJ' was easy as he always hid his face from the camera by wearing a mask. But the fact that taehyung knew every little thing about his features to be able to find his true identity was annoying and made him angry.

"How did you figure it out!!" Jungkook yelled in a husky voice.

"You mentioned it I-in one of your lives." Taehyung was shocked and confused.

"Shit" Jungkook says under his breath. Jungkook examined the boy. The state he was in kinda pleased Jungkook.

"c-can you let go." Asks stuttering over his words.

"only if you promise one thing." Jungkook tightens his grip.

"O-okay" Taehyung moaned in pain, Jungkook was taken aback by the sinful noise that slipped from between his lips, but he continued with what he was going to say.

"You have to keep this a secret." Taehyung nods his head. "Use your words!" Jungkook says making himself clear.

"Yes! I got it n-now let go, that hurts!"

Jungkook lets go and walks towards the couch to watch tv. Taehyung was still rubbing his wrists from the pain. " Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come watch tv since your already here." Tae blushes. Tae goes to sit down.

"You promised you wouldn't tell right." Jungkook puts his arm around Taehyung. Making Taehyung fanboy over jungkooks sundden action. "y-yes I wont tell anyone." "Good."

"because if you did there would be consequences. " Taehyung blushes even more. He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to stay at 'Kj's' House because he'd get too excited. And he knew he was already too excited.

Everything was going great. Taehyung was at one end of the couch and Jungkook was at the other end. Then there was the bad part about this situation. On the television was a sex scene. Taehyung already had a boner and tried to hide it. Didn't really work when after the sex scene Jungkook turned the tv off and said lets go to bed.



I got up to get to bed then remembered that I should probably go get Taehyung a blanket and a pillow. I'm not that cruel. I came back and noticed that taehyung didn't budge.

"Are you not going to move." I said annoyed.

"I don't think I can at the moment, this is so embarrassing." Taehyung bit his lip as he looks down at him legs.

I looked down and saw taehyungs crotch area. I smirked.

"Your a dirty little slut. Do you need help with that?"

"N-no its okay." Taehyung was intrigued not because he has a shame and name calling kink, but also because Jungkook never talked like this at school.

"There's no, no to the question, the least I can do is help since you said you'd keep the promise for not telling." Jungkook smirks.

'haven't had sex in like the longest time.' He thought to himself



I was excited and I wanted to have sex with him but I wasn't experienced. I was still a virgin. He will notice eventually so should I tell hi-

"Before I do anything are you a virgin?" Jungkook asked.

I nodded my head I didn't want to not tell the truth that would be wrong.

Jungkook sighs and groans. " I cant fuck a virgin its not my thing."

I was taken a back but at the same time I was kinda glad I didn't get my virginity taken away for some strange reason. "Why?" " Because you should have sex with someone you actually love not some porn cam boy." I understood his reasoning but I was in love with him..

"How about I just give you a hand job" jungkook smiles.

Before taehyung could answer Jungkook had already started.

'Fuck Jungkook'

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