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c h a p t e r 11


I woke up the next morning. Vision was hazy, I almost fell out bed because I forgot Jungkook stayed over. I was going to touch his hair till he grabbed my wrist. 'Quick reflexes'

"What are you doing."

"N-nothing." I blushed. He then pulled me closer into an embrace. It felt warm "How are you feeling ?" "Sore." I replied. He then kissed my forehead, "sorry if I was too rough." He smirked. 'Why was he being this nice ?'

"Why are you being so.."


"So nice ?"

Jungkook looked at me. "I thought maybe I should be nicer you know because we're ' friends with benefits.' "


'I didn't want to say that but that's not really when I want to confess. Maybe later just a little longer okay.. can't believe I've fallen for someone as weird and goofy as you Taehyung.'


"Okay.." I gave him a confused look. But then snuggled up to him some more. I don't care if we are friends I would take any chance of being close or even have time with him. "You know I can't stay here for too long, Taehyung."


"Because I have things to do, remember I'm in student council. Plus you have to stay here you don't feel too well"

" Oh yeah forgot it was Monday but cant you like... stay for a while before you go to the school?" Jungkook thought about it till he spoke up again.

"...I guess they'll let me slide this once." He smiled.

I was happy that Jungkook was able to stay. This was probably the first time ive seen him this calm and happy. Is this the non-bipolar kook I know now, are there more personalities....


A few minutes later we decided to get up and shower 'separately'. I was sore but I was still able to walk and stand. The warm water helped a lot soothing the pain from my hips to my thighs.

I got out of the shower decided to wear an oversized green hoody with sweatpants. Honsetly I was going to spend a day at home. Jungkook got out of the shower just in his towel. I couldn't resist but stare, but then noticed what I was doing so I looked away but it was too late because he had already noticed my stares.

"You can take a picture baby, just don't tell anyone." I didn't take a picture but I knew heat was rising to my face meaning I was probably as red as a fucking tomato. I bite my lip wanting to look back up, but when I did he was gone.

'Guess he went to put clothes on..'


Jungkook decided to go to a breakfast place so we went to a small cafe. We ate and then walked down the sidewalk. "Do you want a piggy back ride baby boy." I blush at the nickname one again. There's something off about him today.

"Sure." It was bright outside. Thought it wasn't going to be that sunny since it rained the other day.. He picked me up. "Woah strong!" I giggled. "woah you're so heavy!" Jungkook says sarcastically. I gave him a glare. "Sorry" he gave me a kiss on the hand as we continued to walk;


'Somethings not right..' we continued to walk back to my apartment. As Jungkook dropped me off, we talked about our favorite things. I don't know why but it felt nice. We talked about a little drama but not too much.

Time went by so fast. I don't live far from the cafe probably 10 minutes away by walking. Jungkook put me down from his back. "Thanks for carrying me." I say opening the door to my apartment. "No problem... Umm Taehyung.." I turned back around.


"Remember one of the rules about us not being able to fall in love together; etc."

"Yeah." At this moment I was being so slow I don't understand why I didn't understand what he was trying to say from the start to the finish; till he finally said it.

"Well I think I'm slowly falling for someone name Kim Taehyung." He smirked, then ruffled my hair. My heart was beating so fast. I wanted to cry from happiness. "I've been falling for you since the beginning." I pulled him into a deep kiss not caring that my tears were going down my cheek.

We broke apart. "Don't cry." He wiped my tears away then pecked my lips. "Can't believe you like a camstar like me. That still gives me chills. Pretty unusual." I smiled. "Shut up, you need to go to the school anyways." I reminded him.

"Oh, Totally forgot. Okay see you soon baby boy." He looked at me then bit his lip. Before he left he pinned me against the wall. "The next time we are alone. I won't take any chances, Remember do as I say baby." I swear jungkook or shall I say 'KJ' is a major turn on..

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