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c h a p t e r 23


"Why are you in my house.."

'Should I call Jungkook..'

"Look I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to stay here for three days until I find an apartment plus Jungkook is still mad at me." He said while smirking.

"You can't stay here."

"And why not."

"Because it's my house my rules." He came closer to me. He then pushed me against the wall. "GET OFF ME!" I say trying to push him off.

He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "You dont tell me what to do. Or do you want to be punished." I felt disgusted. I didn't like what was happening, "just get off me," I had tears in my eyes.

"Aww did I make you cry."

"Stay if you want but only three days then leave. And don't mess with us anymore."

"Thank you for your kindness." He said, he then jumped onto my couch.

'Jungkook what have I done .. I thought he was gone, but I guess not'

𝟏𝐌 𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖𝐒Where stories live. Discover now