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c h a p t e r 5


"Oh my goodness, thanks Jimin for covering me !! I am so sorry I got caught up into something." I say giving jimin a hug. He smelled like mint.

"It's okay Taehyung most likely you were probably watching that porn star you like." He smirked while wiggling his eye brows. As he finished fixing a costumers order.

"Hey!! Don't be so loud !!" I whispered yelled at him. 'It's more like I met him than watching him..' I said to myself in my head.

"What are you two doing get back to work!!" Jin yelled at us. The more I work here the more stress I have, but I need the money to help me get through college and apartment funds. To be honest this job pays a lot for an ice cream shop.

We continued working. Many people came in and out. Once you walk in the whole entire smell of ice cream, whip cream, chocolate and flavors takes over your instinct of smell. It just engulfs your senses, it's like the most amazing thing in the world. Probably one of the reasons why I love working here.

I counted the money that was in the cash register. I heard a ring from the bell above the door. "Welcome to JinIcecr-- eam" I saw Jungkook walk in; it made me nervous. Why was he here ?

"What are you not happy to see your upperclassmen." Suga asks with a blank expression on his face.

"No, no no it's not like that."

"Well it sure sounds like it."

"I'll just take your order please."

"So disrespectful!" Suga yells.

"I'd like to order." Jungkook came into the conversation saving my ass. Turns out Suga went to bother Jimin.

"Ok what would you like?" I say writing it down. His face is really handsome;

"I would like-" he told me his order with the rest of everyone. I gave him the buzzer and he snatched it.

"You guys find a table I'll be over there when I get the buzzer."


"Jungkook why did you snatch from me." I was confused yet disappointed.

"Look Taehyung, I don't want to hurt your feelings. Last night wasn't important just forget about it I don't like you like that I was too tipsy." I didn't say a word I knew this would happen, why would he even like someone like me anyways am I right ?

"Yeah I understand..."

"Good, also you better keep it a secret or else." He gave me a glare. Who knew KJ had such bipolar emotions. I wonder which personality was his real one ??

It was time for Jungkooks table to take the drinks, I had prepared. I held them out Jungkook snatch them from me again. Honestly I feel like shit right now. He probably thinks I'm crazy for knowing who he actually was, but I love him; how can I stop this feeling of butterflies. I want more of him. I want more of his body. I want him more than anything in the world. So how can I Jungkook? How can I make you mine?

I want to cry.



'Was I too harsh who cares. I don't even like him.'

I head back to the table with my friends we starts eating our ice cream. In the process of eating ice cream I would space out; it wasn't like me. I felt guilty;

'Why would I care about his feelings'

I turned back around Taehyung wasn't there.

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