007 [R]

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c h a p t e r 7


We were both laying in taehyungs bed. Neither of us had taken a shower. I was disgusted. I picked my phone up and saw that I had missed calls and texts from classmates. Being class president and a fucking camboy is hard.

I turn over to Taehyung and see him laying down on his phone. I guess he's texting one of his friends. "Hey." Taehyung then turned his direction towards me. "Want to take a shower, together?" Taehyung became a bright tint of red. I knew he wanted to so why not drag him in with me.


I turned the shower on making sure it was warm. I looked back at Taehyung. He had a silky robe on, yet the robe was slightly falling of his shoulders. Not only was this robe so silky but his skin look so soft and milky. 'Fuck he's driving me insane'

"Get in." I demand my voice going an octave lower.

"O-okay." Taehyung takes his robe off as it slowly drapes to the ground. He then slowly stepped into the shower. I stepped in after him.

"How about we have some fun." I say

"Right now ?!" Taehyung says. Surprised but not denying.

"Yes that is part of the deal. Rule number two, you'll do what I say when I say it." I say pushing his back towards the wall in the shower.

"Y-ahh" Taehyung didn't even get to finish his sentence.

Jungkook couldn't wait any longer. He started to softly go down taehyungs neck leaving a sign that shows that Taehyung was his now. Jungkook went from his neck down to Taehyungs erected member. But didn't touch it just yet.

"Ahh, Daddy" Taehyung says in distress.

"What do you want baby boy."

"S-stop teasing me-e and hurry the fuck up!" Taehyung was struggling to finish the sentence due to Jungkook.

Jungkook picked Taehyung up. Taehyung wrapped his arms around jungkooks neck trying to keep support as his legs wrapped around Jungkooks waist. Jungkooks member came directly towards Taehyungs hole. Before he did anything he wanted to make sure if Taehyung was ready.

"You ready?"

"Yes daddy."

Jungkook went in without waiting for Taehyung to adjust. Taehyung began to become a moaning mess all his sweet moans filling jungkooks ears. "Ahh go faster."
Jungkook began to thrust faster. Each thrust making Taehyung moan even louder than before.

"I'm going to come!"

"Me too shit." Taehyung loved being filled by Jungkook.



' I just had sex with him two times in one day. What the fuck is actually wrong with me'

Jungkook came towards me. "Did you like shower sex."

"Would it be bad if I said no." I say sarcastically

"Yes would it be bad if I punished you."

"N-no but yes" Jungkook smirked. "You're cute."

"T-thanks" he just called me cute !!

"Anyways gotta run. Its getting late, bye." Jungkook says in a neutral tone.

"B-bye" I'm still stumbling over my words.



'SHIT' I face palmed myself about five times. I literally just realized what I said... what's happening to me. I call him cute and now my heart is beating at every little fucking thing he does.

I got into my car. I pulled out my phone. I began to text Taehyung, he actually might be sleeping now since it took me fucking 30 minutes to get to the car. I sent the text message. After that I turned the car on and drove out the parking lot area back to my apartment.

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