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c h a p t e r 27


We were a step away from opening the apartment door. "Jungkook you don't have to stay I can just go in myself." He gave me a confused look. "No." I bit my lip.

'Shit what if bogum is in there'

"Are you going to open it or j-" before Jungkook could finish his sentence the door swung open. A clueless yet drunk bogum came out of my apartment. "What's he doing here?!" Jungkook yelled at me.

"Jungkook let me explain." I try to explain to him what was going on but he wouldn't let me finish. "So you guys like to sleep around with each other?" Jungkook said fiercely making me inferior. "Jungkook it's not what it looks li-!"

"Shut the fuck up! You promised !!"

"But Jungkook let me explain."

"I don't need an explanation from a slut like you I should've never trusted you in the beginning."

Something in me broke, my lover called me a 'slut' and told me he could never trust me. I was on the verge of tears holding them back. I was angry and furious for the fact that he called me that word after what happened a few hours ago.

" I should've never kept your stupid show a secret !! You won't even let me explain! The fact you just called me that word.. I don't think we should be together!!" I say crying

I noticed jungkook's eyes became soft. I wasn't going to fall for that. "I'm leaving wether you believe me or not, don't show up at my place again you man whore." I go inside slamming the door behind me. Sliding down the wooden door. Thinking of what I should've and shouldn't have said. I regret everything I do. I should just give up on everything. Explanations were like lies and if I were to explain Jungkook would consider those as lies himself.

I could hear him banging on the door pleading me to come out.

'I need a drink'



I looked down and looked back up furiously rubbing my hair. "Shit!" I look towards bogum. "Your coming with me, you are not staying here with him bitch"

"Your just jealous because I live with hi-" I punched him. "SHUT UP!" I yell. My eyes widened, even bogum was shocked. I was furiously mad he never told me about this when I could've helped but kept this a fucking secret from me.

'I should've never said that even if he never told me I just called my 'ex' lover a slut without explanation I'm such a bad boyfriend'

I drag bogum to the car. I turned the engine on and left the apartment complex.

'Shit shit shit.. what have I done.'


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