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Taehyung and Jungkook aren't on the best terms. Neither of them finds this situation funny nor understanding. Jungkook wishes he had listened to taehyungs explanation and hoped that one day he'll forgive him for saying such a word to his 'ex' lover. To Jungkook Taehyung is still a lover and will always be.

Taehyung on the other hand despised Jungkook. He doesn't know how to forgive him and is completely heartbroken.


"Taehyung please come out of your room !!" I dont want to be messed with I feel like a gross human being. I don't respond to jimin as he pounds violently on the door outside of my room. I want to be alone. But with this sound that is clearly irritating me I decide to get up the first time in like 2 days. I have eaten but I would only let jimin bring me food.

"What do you want I say opening the door." I had puffy eyes from all the crying. "Taehyung this is not how to deal with a heartbreak. You need to care for yourself." I rolled my eyes. Closing the door but before the door had closed it was stopped by jimins foot. "JIMIN! " I was dragged by him to the bathroom. "Here is toothpaste, shampoo, and a towel go wash up now we are going somewhere." My eyebrows narrowed. "No."

"You say no one more time I'll get yoongi to beat the shit out of you." He says seriously. I'm not afraid of jimin but I am afraid of yoongi and I know he'll actually beat the shit out of me. "FINE!" I say angrily slamming the door.

I look at myself in the mirror. "Your so gross" I say to myself. I don't feel confident at all I feel so disgusted. I turn the water on and brush my teeth. Rinsing the toothbrush before applying toothpaste. I feel like crying.

I turn the shower on letting the water trickle down on my body. My stomach churns wanting food. 'I'm hungry aGAin?!' I wash my hair. Smelled like strawberries. 'This shit gave me his shampoo?' I get out of the shower and was pushed by clothes. "What the fuck?!" Jimin smiled. "Put these on we will be going to a party." He smiled with his charming smile.

"I don't think so I've had enough partying for now you know what happened like a week ago."

Jimin kneeled down and helped me up. "I know but I think it's time to move on." He says giving me a hug. I start to cry becoming emotional and anxious. "I know but I'm just not ready for another relationship."

"Then don't find one we are just going to have fun." He says softly. I take the clothes and walk into my bedroom then got dressed.

 I take the clothes and walk into my bedroom then got dressed

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(What he's wearing )

Physically I feel better after taking a shower. But mentally everything is confusing. If only I had explained. "Ugh." I sigh taking my phone off the charger and then walking into the living room. "Can we get something to eat first jimin?" I say depressed. "Yeah at least you look better." He handed me chapstick "put this on." He says as he walks out the door.

'I seriously think I'm not ready.'



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My poor Taehyung is still depressed any tips?? I got him out of bed. :'( my poor baby. 💫
Likes 23682
Ash126- @/T.Aehyung are you okay ??

J.in- jimin tell Taehyung to dm me.

J.ungkook- I'm sorry Taehyung please dm me!!

Taeschild- ^ what?

Tap for more...

Jimin pov

J.min: hey Jungkook I know your his ex but why do you need to talk to him after what you did. Can you please leave him alone it would be appreciated if you did he doesn't want to see you.

J.ungkook: I asked him to dm me not you so shut the fuck up.

J.min: you called him a slut and then thinks it's okay to force him to dm you. You're so selfish. No wonder he hates you.

J.ungkook: he doesn't hate me.

J.min: ask him yourself; he will never reply.

J.imin: He blocked you.


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