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"Baby are you okay?"

c h a p t e r 9


" Hey I'm in front of your complex."

I parked the car in the garage area with the others. I grabbed my keys and held the phone to my ear. I could hear faint breathing.

"Taehyung what happened ?"


"You can tell me I won't tell anyone." I begged.

"It's... embarrassing."

"Can you tell me please? I can't help you without knowing what's wrong." I pressed the button to the elevator. Tapping my hand on my thigh as I wait impatiently. Taehyung spoke once again.

"I-I'm... scared of thunder and lightening." He said. His voice sounded weak and shaken it wasn't strong as it was the other day. "Okay I'll be up there in just a second. Is the door unlocked ??"


The elevator opened up to taehyungs floor I ran to his door not caring about what the other people thought as I ran past them. I was in front of taehyungs door. I opened it without ending the call.

"Where are you??"

". On the couch.."

I went over to the couch saw a blanket covering his body. I pulled the cover off of him. He was crying, I didn't notice over the phone. He still had the phone to his ear. He looked at me.

"J-jungkook i didn't know who else to call.." he says crying even more. "It's okay, lets take deep breaths ok." I wiped his tears from his eyes. I then put my arms around him and hugged him. "Is it okay for me to hug you?" I asked. "Y-yes." He hugged me tightly crying.

Everytime thunder or lightening would strike or make a sound he would jump in my embrace. " do you want me to stay over ?? Just Incase.." Taehyung looked at me. "But you have a stream." 'Shit he's right ...' "didn't know you stayed scheduled." 'I didn't want to stay anyways.'


The thunder had calmed down it was now 3 pm who knew a fucking storm could last so fucking long. "Do you want to go out and grab something to eat?" I asked Taehyung. He was now laying in my lap. 'He's growing on to me'

'I said we can't fall in love together yet I'm doing the fucking opposite. I'm cuddling him on the couch? I was only suppose to be here till the storm was over... yet I'm still here..'

"Sure, I'll go get dressed." He got up almost tripping, but he caught himself. I smiled at his clumsy actions. 'Jungkook stick to the rules' my smile faded. If I keep going at this rate I won't be able to do streams, this is a distraction.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah" I say. "So where do you want to eat?"

"Uhmmm..." Taehyung pursed his lips while thinking. 'Cute'

"Panda Express." He smiled. I looked at him with wide eyes. "What your scaring me... did I do something wrong?" he said. "No nothing its just that you smiled, you didn't smile since I've gotten here." Taehyung rolled his eyes. I grabbed him before he walked out and pushed him to the wall. Closing the door.

"Dont roll your eyes. Daddy doesn't like that. Understand?" I kissed his lips, he kissed back. I bit his lip causing him to gasp, making it easier for me to enter his mouth. It was getting too heated;

I broke the kiss. He whined and looked at me with eyes of lust. I spoke up. "Do you understand." I say whispering in his ear. "Yes i understand daddy." He smiled and walked out without my fucking permission. 'Shit; fuck it I don't give a fuck anymore, that rule needs to go'

I walked behind him, checking him out from behind. What has gotten into him?? Why so lustful baby? I bit my lip. "Baby I think I'm going to stay the night." Taehyung pressed the elevator signaling to go down. "Because I want you." Taehyung looked up at me. "You have a stream!" Why was he getting upset? " I know?... why are you getting upset?" I asked worriedly.

"Because I love your streams." He mumbled as he went to the elevator. I smiled. "How about I do them at your place. You can watch the real thing while I'm on live. how about that?" I say wrapping my arms around his torso. "Mmmm..Okay"'Hmmm should I have him in my live stream ???' I smirked.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Taehyung looked at me with annoyed eyes. "I just had an amazing idea." I smirked at him. "does this have something dealing with me??"



We had Panda Express and we were on our way back to taehyungs place. "Before we go let's get something from one of those mask stores." Taehyung nodded not really caring where we went. "Taehyung." I said. "Yes?"

"Pick a mask"


"Just for .. Fun"

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