010 [R]

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" you know what never mind a mask. We'll just take this." Jungkook handed the black blindfold to the cashier. "What is that for." Taehyung said as they walked out of the store with Jungkook. "You'll have to wait and see." He smirked at Taehyung causing Taehyung to blush.

c h a p t e r 10


Why did he ask me to get a mask but then chose a blind fold instead... I opened the door to my apartment holding the cup of soda from Panda Express that I had. Jungkook came in with the blindfold we bought. I sat on the couch taking out my phone, then going on to Instagram.

Before the app opened Jungkook snatched the phone from me. "Get up." He said in a husky voice.

"What? Why?" I asked putting my drink down. I was confused. I stood up he took my arm. Pulled me out of the living area to my room slamming the door then locking it. I was scared.

He pushed me onto my bed. "Live stream starts soon we have 30 mins take your clothes off. "

"No I don't want to be in it! People will know who I am." I said almost crying.

"No one will hurt you or find out who you are.. do you have a curler ? Or hair gel" I nodded my head whilst taking my clothes off. I can't believe I'm doing this ... " it's in the bathroom" he went to the bathroom and plugged in the curler while it was heating up he put hair gel into his hair. "come on." He motioned me towards him. I was just in my underwear. Jungkook was too. "I'm going to curl your hair so no one will notice who you are. " I nodded my head and let him curl my hair.

After curling it we had 10 minutes before his live apparently. He fluffed my hair. "Turn around." He looked at me then cuffed my cheeks. "Are you ready?" He asked. "I guess.." I said still scared. He kissed my lips. Then breaking the kiss. "You don't have to talk or anything if you don't want to." He went to go get the computer on my desk set up. He smirked "you have the website saved" I blushed. "How cute."

"Oh by the way we are having sex so consider this your first sex tape. You can rewatch it over and over again if you want." My eyes widened. I'm going to be on camera with 'KJ' holy shit...



1, 2, 3, live.

All these comments came rushing in. Taehyung fixed his blindfold in the corner.


'Kj where have you been!!'

'Daddy you're back!! you left us worried'

'Who's that beside you.'

'Kjsbabygirl: donated 100 dollars'

Most of the comments wondering who was next to me. I smirked. I pulled Taehyung closer to me. "You guys are wondering who he is." I let out a small laugh. Looking at the comments. 'Yes daddy!' Wow these people are thirsty as fuck.

"This is my baby boy thought I'd have a show with him tonight." I put my hand in his hair ruffling it. "Why don't you say hi for daddy." Taehyung blushed. "Hi."


'HOLY SHIT he's so fucking cute!'

'I want to fuck him too!'

'What type of show are you guys going to do?? 😏'

'Why are you doing a show with him eww.'

'I ship it !!'

I knew there was going to be hate but I didn't give a fuck. "Shall we start the show??" I say smirking at my viewers. Many of the comments said yes. So I started.

Jungkook kisses Taehyung harshly causing groans from Taehyung. Jungkook got aggravated because he wouldn't let him enter. So he touched taehyungs member causing him to groan. Making it easier for Jungkook to slip his tongue into his mouth. Jungkook kisses Taehyung whilst palming his member at the same time causing loud moans to fill the room.

Jungkook broke the kiss; Taehyung began whining due to jungkooks sudden actions. "Shh babyboy." Jungkook said calmly. He took taehyungs hand guiding him to the bed then pushing him backwards.

The live was becoming popular by the second. "Are you ready baby boy." Jungkook says kissing down taehyungs body causing Taehyung to shiver. "Yes daddy."

"Fuck me."

Jungkook was taken aback by taehyungs sudden words. Jungkook forced his baby boy's underwear off showing his hard member. He began to stroke it causing Taehyung to moan louder. "Say my name"

"Ahh- Daddy!"

"Louder." Jungkook quickened his pace making Taehyung weak in his legs. Taehyung grabbed the sheets really tight. He had never felt such pleasure since the other night. Then Jungkook stopped he flipped Taehyung over so that his back was in front of him. He took some lube and put it over taehyungs enterance.

"I'm going to fuck you so bad." Jungkook whispered in taehyungs ear but still was audible for the viewers.

Taehyung was shivering yet he still felt pleasure. He couldn't see what Jungkook was going to do but that's what made thing interesting and exciting to him. Jungkook then entered Taehyung without warning, he screaming in pain yet pleasure. "Fuck!"

Jungkook teasingly went at a slow pace. "faster ! ahH" Taehyung moaned causing Jungkook to speed at an adnormal pace. "Fuck baby boy." Jungkook groaned. "I'm going to cum! Ah!"

"Me too."

Both of them cumming at the same time Jungkook rode out his climax. Taehyung moaned loudly after he hit his climax. 'Kj ' landed beside Taehyung on the bed. Both panting for more air.

Jungkook then got up to say good bye to his viewers but something caught his eye. His video got 1million views.


'Did he just now notice he hit 1M views?!'


'Im so horny right now.'

'You hit 1M views on a fucking stream CONGRATS.'

All these comments saying how hot the sex was and about me getting 1M views on a live stream. I smirked, "Goodbye. Also thanks for 1M" I waved and turned the live stream then turned the computer off.

I jumped on top of Taehyung. "Ow !!"

"Oh sorry I got too excited."

"Why are you so excited?" Taehyung says with his eyes half closed. "My live stream just hit 1M views."

" OMG!! Omg Congrats!"

I couldn't really see his reaction so I took his blindfold off. "You were so good." I kissed Taehyung. Taehyung smiled into the kiss. 'Why can't I fucking tell him..'

Should Jungkook confess or should he keep quiet???

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