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c h a p t e r 12

Few weeks later...


It's been almost a week since Jungkook had confessed. He's been busy with student council which is making me needy. He hasn't uploaded a stream since the last one. Is it weird to feel needy for someone. I don't think so. He's in the same class with me for last, but I never get the chance to talk to him since the whole class is like 'sit down do your notes or else you'll get detention.' And obviously I'm too much of a "goody goody" to even stand up and talk to him.

I'd try to pack my things up really quick to leave class with him but he leaves so quick like is he even human ?!

So currently it was Wednesday. It is the middle of the week I honestly just want this week to be over with. I plug in my headphones and write down the notes. Not keeping the volume to high so I could still hear the teacher speak. My phone lit up and I looked at it.

Jungkook: come with me after class.

Taehyung: why should I?

Jungkook: if you don't come with me you'll receive punishments.

I looked up at him his face was still facing the board 'what?'

Taehyung: yeah, fine whatever.

I turned my phone off. And then continued to take the notes for the class.


The bell had rung. Everyone dashed out the class going home. "Jungkook are you going to stay after again today?" This girl asked. "Umm no im going to go with Taehyung for today." He responded. "Aww okay last night was fun." She smirked and looked at me before she left.

'What does she mean last night was fun' I knew this feeing right now is called jealousy.

He looked back down at me. "Are you ready." He smirked. I pushed him out the way. I walked at a faster pace he was still walking behind. "Taehyung could you like slow down what's wrong?" He asked. I stopped. I let out a deep sigh. "Taehyung whats wrong ?" Jungkook seemed worried.

"Who was that girl you were talking to.."

"A friend, she's in student council with me."

I turned around. "What did she mean by she had fun last night." I was almost in tears. "Baby it's not what you think. Are you jealous?"

"Obviously I would be jealous!! You're mine.." I bit my lip. He dragged me in the janitor closet. 'Shit' "Let me tell you the truth baby boy. I am yours. She's not. Last night we were rewarded a party for our hard work. Lastly baby boy you'll always be mine and only mine. Just like how I'm yours. No one could replace you." I bit my lip again not knowing what to say.

"Don't bite your beautiful lips." He remarked. I stopped my bitting. He then harshly kissed me yet it was passionate. In between kissed he would say things like 'your mine' 'no one can compare you'

I swear I loved everything about it but were we seriously about to do this in the janitors closet? "Ah- Jungkook"


"W-we shouldnt d-do ahH t-this here." He stopped then smirked.

"You scared"

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