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c h a p t e r 22


I got up and got dressed. Looked like clear sky's and since it was warm I wore something casual nothing too much. Oversized shirt with a pair of black jeans. I walked out the door and went to the lobby waiting for jungkooks car.

'Maybe I got ready too fast; we haven't had a date in a while. But what is Jungkook excited about ?'

I see jungkooks car, he honks to let me notice that he was there I smiled and walked up to him. The window rolled down.

"You ready baby?"

"Not really I don't know where your taking me."


I bit my bottom lip while smiling, "sure"

"Good now get in." He says harshly and rolls up the window. I pursed my lips as I got into the passengers seat.

"How rude," I say as I push Jungkook.

"Hey! I'm driving,"

"What movie are we even going to see..." Taehyung asked.

"You said you wanted to see that super hero movi-"

"YEAH INCREDIBLES 2" He was jumping up and down in his seat. Jungkook smirked at taehyungs actions. "You know I haven't seen the first one right." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook you can't watch the second one until you watch the first one."

"You can just fill me in right?"

"Your so lazy."

"Yeah but you still love me." He kissed my cheek before the light turned green. I blush.



"JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung whined.

"Please just get some candy."

"Taehyung we got popcorn and soda if you eat too many sweets you'll have a sugar rush and you know that."

"Jungkook !! Please." Taehyung had puppy eyes and obviously i can't say no. "Fine but nothing else." He quickly nodded his head. I gave him the credit card and he ran off to the cashier to get some candy.

He ran back with a smile. "You're spoiled," I say. "It's okay want a piece." He says while handing me a skittle. "Taste the rainbow.." I just look at him with concerned eyes. He then pops the skittle into his mouth and quietly walks ahead. I smile and walk behind.


We walked out of the movie theatre. Taehyung was happy and I was confused about what was going on. "I think the first one is better," I say.

"You didn't even watch the first one stupid."

"Who are you calling stupid." I said getting closer to him. He smirked "You."

I dropped my smile. "If I'm stupid your stupid to."


"Blah BLah BLah."





Tae made a frustrating noise and slammed the car door leaving me outside the car... he locked the door and wouldn't let me in till 20 minutes later.

"Sorry for cutting you off" I apologize angrily. "It's fine." He smiled. He was satisfied after locking me out. We drove back to taehyungs apartment stopping for food. It was now 1am. "Hope I didn't keep you out too long." I said.

"You didn't it was much needed thank you kookie."

"When are you going to stop calling me kookie?" I say hugging him. "Never ever." I playfully frown. "Wait, you said we were celebrating.. what is it?" He asked.

"Oh my brother left so now I don't have to worry about him."

"Oh that's great kookie." He Hugs me tightly. "Yeah." 'But why did he leave so early...'

"Okay I'll text you when I get home."

"Okay bye !!"

"Bye baby." I kiss him on the lips before getting in my car. He's mine. I smile while driving back. There wasn't much traffic. So it was mostly quiet. I mean it's 1am after all.


I walk back to my apartment. Searching for my apartment keys but notice that my door was still open. ' I thought I closed it. ' I was confused. Did someone break in?

'Should I call Jungkook... no he's probably half way to his apartment.'

'Shit what do I do'

I walk in turning the light on. I stopped seeing that someone was sitting on my couch. He turned around. "Oh hey Taehyung ! Long time no see"


Everything happens for a reason 🥀

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