Chapter 33

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Alexandra's POV

I sighed as William placed the car into park.
Everything was left off as it was. I was still dressed up and so was he.

We were parked along this long road, for what I have no idea.

I watched William take of his seat belt.
"w-what are we doing here?", I asked him with confusion in my voice.

What is with him and talking in weird ass places.

"I wanna show you something", he said getting out the car.
I let out a breath, before taking off my seat belt and getting out the car.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"I really don't have time for this shit tonight, William. You said you want to talk so can just do that", I say.

"It happened right here", he said ignoring me and standing in the middle of the road.

"What the hell are you talking about?", I asked him.
"The car crash. The crash that changed everything", he said.

"your father and brother", I breathed giving in, showing him sympathy.

"You know- sometimes I wish it was me instead of Matt", he said staring off in the distance.

I looked at him.
The hell was wrong with him?

"You don't mean that. Do you?", I asked.

"I can't change who I am, Alexandra. As much as I want to for you, as much as you need me to, I just can't", he said changing the subject quickly.
"I never asked you to", I say.

"You didn't have to. You don't deserve this. All this hate, from our classmates, my mother, Oakham. You don't deserve any of it", he said.

I looked down.
I sighed.

"William, what are we doing? What are possibly accomplishing by getting together, breaking up, getting back with other? Things are different this time", I say.

"I know", he said.
"I can't pretend like things between us are okay, because they aren't, and I don't think it have been in a long time", I say walking towards the car, as he followed.

"What are you talking about?", he asked me.

"You said you never gave up. But the truth is you did. You moved on faster then I walked away. You slept with Anne", I said pointing out the obvious.

"And you slept with Liam", he said.
"Don't try to turn this one me like that was my fault. That night I came to you, to try to talk shit out but your mother was there", I said.

"Alexandra, I never gave up", he said.
"Yes you did, William. And last time wasn't the first time either. I give and I give and I give— You know what, I'm tired of giving, William", I said.

He turned to me.
"So what are you saying?", he asked me.
"I'm saying— Sure, I don't deserve all the hate, but in reality.. you don't deserve me", I said.

His expression changed.
"What do you mean I don't deserve you?", he asked.
I slightly laughed, before answering, "you don't ever get it, do you? This isn't the first time something like this happened, William. I'm not what you need in your life, not right now. I'm like a second choice. Or even better I'm a distraction.", I said.

"But you aren't, Alexandra", he said.
"Oh really? I've been your rebound since Anne, and you know it, everyone knows it. That's why so much people hate me, because they think I broke you and Anne up", I said.

"But you didn't. Anne and I broke up before I even got with you", he said.

"But you had a thing for me still while dating her, and now the same thing is happening with Kerri", I said.

"No it isn't", he said approaching.
"Why are you still fighting this, William? We aren't meant to be, okay?", I shout in anger.

"Because I refuse to believe this is it. I know you still have feelings for me, just like I have feelings for you", he said.

"That's where your wrong. I don't have feelings for you. Not anymore. When I told you I didn't love you anymore, I meant it, William", I said harshly.

I couldn't believe I was doing this.
Why was I doing this.
It made no sense.

"How could you say that?", he asked sounding so surprised.

"I don't know why you sound so surprised? You said it yourself, we weren't meant to be together", I said looking away.

"We both say a lot of things. Things that we don't mean", he said.

I spoke before he could say anything.

"I would like to go home now", I said.
"Alexandra, I— I cut him off, "Please- just... William take me home", I said walking back to the car.

The night was difficult.
Sleeping. I mean.
the thing is I couldn't.

I think I officially called things off.
What the hell was wrong with me.

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