dark clouds/rain

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Y/N's P.O.V
It was raining agian. This has got to be the seventh time this week...........seventh. that word always puts a brake in my heart. The seven deadly sins....how I fucking hate them. They might be outcasts to the kingdom and might be getting hunted down by holynights, but they still have each other..they still have those dumbass adventures, and have their stupid loved ones around them to keep them safe,....but...what do I have? Nothing. I live in a broken down old cabin...no one knows I exist...no one fucking cares that I exist..no one. I guess it isn't all bad I mean at least I have a roof over my head and cloths on my back..I mean I don't hate the sins because they have each other I just wish I had people who care about me too, but....no one does....Iwish I had people who cared about me..

*Time Skip*

Meliodas's P.O.V
"it's raining agian!? It's been raining for days!"  "Yeah, but there's nothing we can do about that." King said while floating on his chastiefol. Yeah but I wanted to go do something! I sigh. "Were did ban go?" "I think he's in his room." "Ok." I ran up the stairs leaving king to himself. "BAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" "CAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTAAAAAAIIIINNNNNN!!!!!!" Ban ran out the door and tackled me down the stairs. We both were laughing unbearably while rolling down the stairs. As soon as we hit the bottom floor I hear king say. "You two are suck idiots." We just laughed even harder. "Hey ban want to have a drinking contest!?" "Your on!" We ran to the bar and started to drink. Ban already had down five bottles of ale but I had down six.( he is so fucking proud! Haha and are they inhaling the fucking ale jeez thats fast lol)We got deeper into the game I could tell ban was getting drunk and I was too. "Haha I'm gonna *hic* beat your tiny *hic* ass cap'n." "HA! Yeah right!"

Kings P.O.V
I sat there and watched cap'n and ban drink till their hearts contend. Ban passed out after his like fiftieth ale. Cap'n laughed and ran up stairs looking for elizabeth. He fell down the stairs a few times and I laughed. I floated over to the window to watch the rain I don't know why but it always calmed me down. I look over and see Diane sitting in a cave she found. She looked so happy. A blush creeped onto my face. I had such a big crush on Diane, but I couldn't tell her. I watched her happily play with her pigtails. I smiled and continue to watch to rain...."I feel like something is missing."....

It's short i know I suck I promise the next chapter will be longer. I really want to keep writing so I'll go ahead onto the next chapter but I ran out of ideas so let me know if you got any I could use the help 😆😁 peace fo now

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now