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King's P.O.V
I open my eyes slowly, and raise up. I look ever and look at Y\N, and instantly get a nose bleed. She was completely naked. I think about last night and and turn my head. I soon feel Y\N turn to face me. " *yawn* good morning." Y\N lays up and kisses my cheek. "Morning." Y\N soon puts her clothes on and I do the same. After we both get dressed we head back to the tavern. "Damn... Chastiefol smells awful hah" Y\N giggles and blushes. "Here smell!" I shove chastiefol into Y\N's face. "EWWW KING STOP! IT SMELLS LIKE CHIZ AND SWEAT!!" "Ohh~~~" I start chasing after Y\N while holding out chastiefol like its a disease. I chase her all the way back to the tavern.

I laugh at how king is acting like a child and run faster. The tavern soon comes into view and I run as fast as I can to the door. I throw the door open and slam it in kings face. "Haha Y\N LET ME IN!" "NO!" I turn around and laugh. I run over to the bar and hide. King throws the door open and runs into the middle of the tavern. "Ohhhh Y\N were are you~~" king says in a sweet innocent voice. I giggle and he runs over to the bar. "FOUND YA!" He grabs my hands and pull me out from behind the bar and pulls me into the air. While in the air I wrap my legs around kinds waist and wrap my arms around His neck. Locking us into a deep passionate kiss. King slides his tongue into my mouth and we both fight for dominance. King gets bored after awhile and let's me win. I Smile and we continue with our make out session for another five minutes before we hear someone at the top of the stairs gasp. We pull away and turn to see Elizabeth and meliodas at the top of the stairs. Elizabeth had her mouth covered with both her hands and meliodas.... He... He was crying. Meliodas walks down the stairs slowly and I get down off of kings waist. Me and king stand side by side while meliodas walks up to me. I'm soon pulled into a tight embrass. "M-meliodas.. " I Get cut off.  "T-thank you.. " I jump back in confusion. "W-what!?!  Why are you thanking me!?! " meliodas looks back at Elizabeth and and then back to me. "While you were gone last night.... I slept with Elizabeth.. And..... I figured out... I love her... I was going yo brake up with you... But thanks to that kiss. I know it won't be a back brake up." I giggle. "Well at least we both cheated the same night haha" meliodas and me laugh about the Night we both got laid.  I think everything is going To work out fine for us all haha

Meliodas's P.O.V
I'm glad me and Y\N are happy, and Found our true loves.. But... To bad. Y\N had such a great body. Wish I could have at least hit that haha. I laugh at my self and turn to look at Elizabeth. Well Y\N might have a good body.. But Elizabeth.. She all I need and want. I run up to Elizabeth and start To play with her boobs. While Y\N punches me in the head. Hehe I missed this..

Its short but I don't care!!!  I'm happy I'm tired I'm ok!  Byeeeee

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now