meeting for the first time

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Y/N's P.O.V
"Thank God the rain stoped, I'm fucking out of food! I thought I was going to have to eat my own hair to live....and don't test me world I will! You don't know me world!" I say shaking my fist at the sky(what do you have aginsted nature XD) I go and get me a F/C colored hoodie and a F/C colored pair of leggings. I put my hair in a messy bun and left to go get food. 🎤 I'm off to get food oh the wonderful food of life lalala la la la la lalalala🎤(had to haha) I sang while I skipped to town. After an hour of skipping and singing I finally made it to town. "Thank God the fucking narrator made me skip the whole damn way, my legs feel like FUCKING NOODLES! F*CK YOU NARRATER!!"(😐.....BITCH I GAVE YOU LIFE!!!) I made my way down to the store, but was stoped when I smelled something heavenly. I followed the smell not in control of my own damn legs or fucking nose anymore. They were just dragging my sorry ass around. I then made it to cute little place called the "Boar Hat" I open the door. I was then welcomed by a girl with long silver hair. She had a mini blue skirt on and a pink lacy crop top. She was very sweet, and pretty. She told me to sit anywhere so I sat my ass down at the bar. "What'll you have?" I looked down to see a blond haired boy cleaning out a glass. He looked like a god damn kid. "Um aren't you to young to be working at a bar?" I say studying the boy. "Aren't those to big to be real?" He spat back while gropeing my boobs. I smack his hand away and said, "you got me there." I laughed. (Ps your boobs are real 😂) "I'll have the F/F ." You say smiling at the boy. He ran to the kitchen and left me there alone. "We're did this place come from? I walked this way a hundred times and I never seen it before." I said aloud not knowing the boy could hear me. "Oh we travel place to place we are only going to be here a little while." He said handing me my food." Oh so you like to travel?" I say shoveing a piece of F/F in my mouth. "Kinda me and my friends are actually looking for someone." He said winking at me.

*Time Skip* about five minutes*

Still Y/N's P.O.V
I finished my food. "So who are you looking for? I can probably help." I say to the boy. "Well....are you able to stay Intel dark? Then me and my friends can explain it to you..its Kinda complicated." He said to me dead serious. "Yeah sure." I say smiling.

*Time Skip*

Still Y/N's P.O.V
It was finally dark the blond haired boy and silver haired girl closed the boar hat. The boy told me to stay put while he ran upstairs. I started to talk to the girl. She told me her name was Elizabeth, and that she was happy to meet me. I half to admit she was pretty cool. Soon the boy came back down with three more people. "Ok let me introduce all of us." the blond boy said. He pointed to them all one at a time." That's Ban, Diane, king, and gowther." He than pointed to himself. "And im meliodas." I looked at them wide eyes. I knew those names! "YOUR THE SEVEN DEADLY SIN!" I screamed. "Yes but we don't mean to harm you or anyone around here at all. We are actually bringing the seven deadly sins together to save the kingdom, so we came here looking for a sin." King said. "B-but why a-are you here? There is n-no sin living here." I lie knowing that is me. "Actually we heard that there was an eighth sin here a few years back, people say that the sin just one day disappeared. We want to see if that sin still lives here." Meliodas smiled at me. "So can you help us?" " Well I d-don't know m-meliodas." Meliodas put his arms around my waist. "PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEEAAASSEEE!!!" he looked up at me with a sad puppy face. "Alright I'll help." I smiled at him and he did a backflip. "Cap'n how is she going to help us she's just a stupid mortal that probably doesn't even know we're the sin is, and I don't even think that sin even exists." Ban spat. My face turned red, I walked up to ban grabed his shirt and said. "Listen you little shit I'm not just a stupid fucking mortal, and I know that if I wanted to I can kick your sorry ass, but I'm not because I shouldn't give two fucks about your skinny little ass, so unless you want to have my foot up your ass I suggest that you fucking zip it." Ban just looked at me wide eyes. I let go and walk over to elizabeth. Ban looks at meliodas. "....can we keep her!?" Ban shouts. I was surprised to hear this. Ban runs over to me, and hugs me. " she is now my new best friend." I was just trying to figured out what just happened. "Alright you two enough!" Diane shouts threw the window.she turned to meliodas "So cap'n what are we going to do now?" Meliodas walked up to me. "Well Y/N is going to stay with us Intel we find the eighth sin. You ok with that Y/N?" "Yeah sure." I smiled. Diane smiled ear to ear. I think she was just happy to have another girl in the house. "King Y/N will stay in your room on the second bed." Meliodas said showing me forward to king. "Hey that's my bed. Ban shouts. " your always passed out drunk down here so your going to live." Meliodas said while hitting ban in the head with a ale cup.

King' s P.O.V

"Wow now there is a girl staying in the same room as me. God what do I do? What do I say? Do i talk to her about boys, makeup, birth control? What do I do!?! I don't know what girls talk about. Oh god what do I do." I sit on my bed. I look over at Y/N laying in her bed. She looked so happy and peaceful. "Heh good night....wolf sin." is a nother master piece (trash) I'll Wright more tomorrow byeeee

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now