The heated moment

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King's P.O.V
"What is this warm feeling on my lips? It feels so familiar, and so soft.... Is it a dream?.. Is it reality?" Thinking this I keep my eyes closed. "Its gone.. I... I miss it.." I fall back into darkness..

*Time Skip*

king's P.O.V
I open my eyes to see the morning sun, shining in my eyes.  I lift my hand up and cover my face. I look down to find Y\N was gone. I quickly jump off the couch and walk around the house to find Y\N. I look everywhere except down the hallway on the left side of the house. There was three doors, so I look in the first one on the right. It was a closet. I look in the second one it was a dark room.  I look in the third one. It was a bathroom. "Were is she?" I then heard Sqweeking noises comeing from the dark room. I open the door agian and use chastiefol to make a small light. I see this is Y\N's bedroom. I walk in closing the door behind me.  I walk to the side of Y\N's bed to find her laying there.... IN... IN.. HER UNDERWEAR!! My face heats up and my nose starts to bleed. I try to fly out of her room when she opens her eyes. "King?" I start to panic. "I-IM SO S-SORRY IM G-GOING!" I head to the door, but stop when  Y\N wrapped her arms around my chest from behind.  My face gets hotter as I fell her almost naked body push up against mine. "Heh king you don't have to be shy seeing me in my undies." My face turns even redder(is that even possible 😅😕) the way she said it... She sounded so innocent, so kind.  I turn to face Y\N. She looked up to me with a closed eye smile.  I smile and hug her.  About two seconds into the hug though Y\N pulls back with a weird face. She leans close to my ear and whispers into it. After she was done she looked away with a dark red face.  I look down and quickly cover my little friend. (Hahahaha da hell haha😅cap'n molestey!) I run out of the room and into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me.

*Time Skip*

Y\N's P.O.V
King has been in the bathroom for almost two hours, maybe I should check on him. I walk down the hall and knock on the door. "King.... Are you ok?" I put my head to the door. "I-i'll be out in a bit!" I grab the door knob and open the door just barely, so that I can see king. He had his face in his hands and he was sitting on the toilet. I open the door and walk to king. Keeping his hands on his face he makes no noise or movements what so ever.  I bend down to kings level and cup his hands. I pull them away from his face to see a tomato shaded boy.  "King... Its ok.. It wasn't yo.. " I get cut off by king pressing his lips against mine. I soon kiss him back passionately. after a few minutes we pull apart for air. "king... Do you.. Like me?" I look into kings eyes..... He doesn't answer, he just looks away. With tears in my eyes I stand up catching kings attention. "You still love D-diane.... Don't you?" King just stares at me. I start to walk out, but stop at the door.  "Get ready were heading out to find the sins in an hou." He just looks at me as I walk out, leaving the fairy boy to himself. 

*Time Skip"

Y\N's P.O.V
Me and king get going to find the seven deadly sins. me and king don't talk any as we walk. I really don't feel like talking anyways. After all of that shit I don't know what to think about anymore. I mean he still loves diane, but he's here sucking faces with me! I look at king and give him a death glare.(BITCH DONT TOUCH ME IF YOU DONT WANT ME!!!!  BOII WE'LL GO BRO!  WI'LL FIGHT KING!!!!!) King looks over at me and gives me a small smile.  I just start walking faster. "Come on asshole." I start to run, and king floats towords me faster. "Y\N are you ok?" King asks, sounding worried. "YEAH KING IM TOTALLY FINE!" I yell sarcastically.  King floats infront of me to stop me. "Y\N tell me what I did and I'll fix it. " I look at king and lose it. "KING HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF THE PERSON YOU'VE LOVED FOR CENTURIES LOVES SOMEONE ELSE, BUT USES YOU AS A MAKE OUT REBOUND SO THEY CAN FORGET AND YOU CAN HURT!?!" I scream while hot tears stream down my face. Kings eyes widen and he floats towords me. King graves my waist and pulls me onto his lap. "You... Love me.. How long have yo..? "I interrupt king. "EVER SINCE I MEET YOU!" I start to cry even worse and king pulls me into his chest. " I-im...... Sorry.." I look at king "Don't apologize.. You can't control your heart. " king grabs me by my chin and lifts it up.  "Well yeah, but... I think I've been reading my heart wrong for far to long." King presses his lips against mine, and kissed me with more lust then I ever felt. "This... This means your mine... So now you know that your mine." King whispers in my ear...

Fucking shoot methus sucks. Anywho hope ya like it.... Which you won't..... Byee

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