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Y\N's P.O.V
"What do you want to talk about?" I sit down next to king. "Well.. Will you... *sigh* follow me.. " king jumps out of his seat and foats towards the door. He looks over to me and motions for me to follow. I nod and stand up wlaking over to the fairy boy. Me and king start to walk around the forest in uter silence, before he breaks it. "Y\N... Do you love the captian?" I look over at king wide eyed. Why would he ask me this.. I mean... I like him... Isn't that the same thing as love. King looks at me, but... It feels different then all the other times he has looked at me. King moves infront of me and stares into my eyes. I keep quiet. Not knowing what to say. King puts his forehead to mine, and grabs my hands. "You don't have to say anything... But.. Just know if the captain ever hurts you.... I'll be there to shove my chastiefol threw this heart." King started to get a dark ora all around him. His hands were shaking along with his body. I emidiantly felt rage build up inside me. I pull my hands out of his grasp. His ora emidiantly disappeared and he looked up at me, with shock writen all over his face. "KING DONT SAY THAT!" I lower my head to the ground while tears stream down my face. "You left me for diane and now that you relized how much of a bitch she is you want to act this way to me! You cant do that! You can't keep toying with my heart!  Everytime I feel like I can move on you do something to make me want to stay with you! I don't know how you keep pulling back into your crap!" I fall to my knees and rub my tear soaked eyes. King quickly pulls me into a tight hug. "LET GO!" I try to push king off, but he tightens his grip. "I'm sorry! I should have never hurt you." I grabe the back of kings shoulders and cry in the crook of his neck. "then why do you keep doing it?" I feel king tense up. "I... I don't mean to.. " I cry even harder. King rubs my back and rocks me back and forth. I soon stop crying, but still hugging king. I couldn't let go. I felt awful. I felt like I needed someone... And I did have someone... "King" I close my eyes and slide my head down to his chest. Hearing his heart beat calmed me down. I soon feel asleep to the calm thumping sound.

King's P.O.V
I held Y\N as she slept on my chest. I pull her body into me lap, and rub the side of her thigh, along with rubbing my thumb across her tear soaked cheek. "I'm so sorry.. I keep doing this to you." I lean my head down close to her face to hear her soft breathing. I take my hand away from her thigh and push some hair out of her face. As soon as my skin connected with hers, her breath hitched. I pull my hand away, and she reterns to her normale breathing. I pick her up and lay her on chastiefol and I lay next to her. I watched ad the sun started to set and the moon start to shine on us. I play with the hem of Y\N's lacy shirt. I watch every move, every noise she makes. I didn't want to miss a second of it. She flipped over to face me. I let go of her hem and stare at her wide eyed, thinking she had woken up. I soon relized she was still sleep and I sighed a breath hof relief. Y\N moved one of her hands to mane and gripped it tightly. I look at her face in shock to see her scrunching up her nose and sqweezing her eyes shut. She looked like she was in pain I pet her H/L H/C hair to try and clam her down. She didn't relax. I grew worried and sat up slowly. Trying not to wake her. I lean down to her face to hear her breathing fast. I look at her face with worry. I lean closer to her face, brushing my lips against her's. I slowly pressed my lips to hers with lost of passion and love. I rubbed my thumb across her cheek and pulled away from her. I smiled, seeing she was calm and breathing normal agian. I lay back down next to Y\N and close my eyes. " I love you... Y\N.. "


loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now