A passionate kiss

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Y\N's P.O.V
I ran out of the tavern. King doesn't get that I'm trying to help, but... Why am I trying to help king. I don't still like him.... Do I? I sit down on the edge of the hill to watch the sun set. My train of thought was interrupted by a door opening and closing. I turn my head to see meliodas.  He walked over and sits next to me. "You ok?" He asks, while looking at the sunset. "No... He's such a dumbass." Meliodas turns to me. "King isn't so bad, but he can get hot headed when people talk ill of the girl he loves." I frown at what he said. "Yeah, but I thought I was the one he loved.. Me and him spent so much time together, and we loved each other, but some how we ended up hating each other." I turn my head from meliodas, and tears start streaming down my face. Meliodas grabs my face and pulls it close to his. "Captain? W-what are you... " Meliodas wipes my tears away. "Look Y\N. I care for you and I want you to be happy. I hate seeing you cry and I hate seeing you miserable... If you will let me... I would love to be the one who gives you happiness. If... Your ok with that." My face grows hot and I can feel Meliodas's hot breath at my lips. (Yeah that's right breath on heeeeeeeeerrr XD I need a life) "C-captian... " I whisper as our lips collide. Meliodas wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his lap. I feel my hands all over his chest as he rubs my thigh and back. Meliodas licks my bottom lip asking for intrence. I playfully decline. He slides his hands up my shirt and squeezes my breasts, causing me to gasp. He takes that  opportunity and shoves his tongue into my mouth. We fight for dominance, but I lose. Meliodas lays me down on the grass without braking the kiss. He then starts running his hands over my hips.  Feeling all of my body, he smirks into the kiss. We soon separated. Gasping for air. "I love you Y\N." Meliodas kisses me agian but with more passion. We sperate and he picks me up bridal style. " M-meliodas were are w-we going?" He looks at me and gives me a seductive smirk. "Were going to my room to get some rest." I blush. "B-but I thought you sleep with Elizabeth?" I ask looking down. "she will sleep in diane's room for now on. I dont want to sleep with anyone else but you." He leans down and kisses me agian. "Ok." We make it into the tavern and emidiantly ge tackled by a drunk ban. "Awwwww you guys are so cute together!!!!" I blush and meliodas punches ban off. Sending him across the room. he then gets up and picks me up agian. " Y\N is mine now. If I find anybody touching her, or even looking at her in a way I don't like. I'll show you what hell is like. " I look at meliodas shocked. meliodas's seriousness kinda worried me. I look around to see everyone else was shocked. Expect Elizabeth, and Diane. Diane looked pissed, and Elizabeth looked.. Sad. Meliodas then carried me up the stairs and onto his room. He tosses me onto the bed. I look up at him to see him pulling his shirt off and his pants. He was now left in his green boxers. I blush and look away. Meliodas then grabs my ankles and pulls me down to the foot of the bed. With my back to the bed he bends over and kisses me. I close my eyes and kiss back. He slids his hands down my waist and grips my skirt. Pulling it off I open my eyes. My blush growing deeper as he now moves his hands up to my shirt. He grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it off over my head. braking the kiss meliodas studies my half naked figure. He smiles at me and goes to his closet. He pulls out a pair of thigh high black socks. And a long green tank top. He walked over to me. "Here. Put these on." I nod and take the clothing. I slide them on as he watches me. I sit up on the bed and meliodas moves closer to the bed. He lays down on the bed and looks at me.  He grabs me bye the waist and pulls me into him. with my back to meliodas he slides his arms around my stomach and wraps one of his legs around mine. My blush darkens. This position is kinda uncomfortable, so I move a bit. As I do I feel a wired poking feeling at my butt. my eyes widen realizing what it is. "Caption? " I try to ask what it is but he just tells me not to worry about it. I close me eyes and try to sleep.  After awhile I finally fall into darkness.

Hi guys told you I would update today! Hope you guys like it and don't worry its not over yet!  I'll prib update agian today!!!  I got alot of free time. Also to all you Elizabeth x meliodas people I'm so sorry. I hope I don't make you mad, but just wait a while you don't know what the future holds. Anyway see ya guys love ya!  Bye!!!!!

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now