Nose bleed

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Meliodas's P.O.V
Were is Y\N? I sit at the door waiting for Y\N to come home, but nothing. "What are you doing? " I look over my shoulder to see hawk stareing at me. "I'm waiting for Y\N to come home." I turn back to the door and feel hawk jump on my side. "MAN YOUR LIKE A PUPPY WHO LOST HIS OWNER!" I lay back on the hard floor. "Yeah but I'm only like this for Y\N. " hawk smiles at me and I smile back. All at once I hear a crash. I quickly lay up with hawk and look to were the crash came from, to see......Elizabeth..... Crying. I jump up and run over. "Elizabeth are you ok!?! What happed?" She shook her head and wiped her tears. "N-no I'm fine sir meliodas... I'm sorry.. I-i'll... " Elizabeth reached down to grab the plate that she had dropped, but I grab her hands. "No Elizabeth don't. You could cut yourself I got it." Elizabeth nods and steps back. I clean the mess up and throw it away. "There all better. " I walk back up to Elizabeth and give her a closed eyed smile. I open my eyes to see Elizabeth holding one of her closed hands to her mouth while another plays with the end of her skirt. She had a huge blush plastered on her face and she was shaking figurasivly. I smile at her and take one of her hands. I kiss her hand and wink up at her. "So cute. " Elizabeth pulls her hand out of mine and puts both of them to her face. I giggle and walk to the bar. "Well its already night and Y\N shouldnt be back for a while so... I'll just drink till she comes home." I take an ale and I start to chug.

*Time Skip* (WARNING LEMON 😶😖)

King's P.O.V
I wake up to something moveing. I open my eyes and see Y\N she was couddle up into my chest with her leg wrapped around my torso. I look down and emidiantly blush. her skirt was hitched up and I could see parts of her panties. I try to move a bit so that I won't get a nose bleed but then Y\N turned were she was half way on top of me. I could feel her hot breath on my neck and her thighs on my torso. Y\N shifted a bit, causing me to grunt. I moved my hands towards Y\N's thighs and lift her all the way on me so that now she was straddling me. I slowly move up were I was now sitting up, while Y\N had her face in my neck. I rubbed Y\N's thigh, causeing her to moan a bit into my neck. She moved some more. Causing her to grind across my man hood. Her movements felt amazing that caused me to lose it. I move my neck to were I could face Y\N, and I pressed my lips against hers with as much force as I could. I could feel Y\N gasp as she awakens to the the kiss. I push Y\N down onto chastiefol and I separate our lips. Y\N looked into my eyes with such pleaser, and passion. I slip my hands up her shirt while I left sweet kisses from her lips, to jaw line, to neck. I sucked on her neck intel I found her sweet spot, causeing her to grab my hair and moan. I smiled and abused that spot, intel I left my mark. I pull back and pull up her shirt to see her lacy F/C bra. I gripped her breasts and started to kiss in between them. I lift her bra up over her head, and her breasts spring out. i smile and raise up. Pulling my jacket and shirt off. I lay my bear chest agianet hers and I kiss her passionately. She ran her fingers threw my hair as I gripped her breasts tightly. She moans into the kiss. I slide my hands down to Y\N's waist. I rub my hands to the end of her skirt and tug at it. She then push me forwards and starts to take off her skirt. I smile and I pull off my pants, leaving me in my boxers, and Y\N in her F/C panties. Y\N pushes me back on chastiefol and gets on my lap. She starts grinding against me, causeing me to grunt and grab her thighs. I push my hips upward and pull her hips downward. Y\N giggled at me and leans down to kiss me. Y\N moved to my ear. "You seem excided." I grunted as she started to kiss the side of my cheek down to my chest. She slides down to my waist and stares at the buldge in my boxers, she gives me a sexy smirk, and pulls my boxers down. My man hood sprang out and hit me agiant my abs. Y\N sets one of her hands on the inside of my thigh as her other hand wraps around my man hood. She moves her mouth to the tip and starts to kiss it. I grunt, and she starts to swirl her tongue around the tip. I looked down at her and growled as I bucked my hips. She giggled and took me into her mouth I moan as she moves her head up, and down on my shaft. I throw my head back in per pleaser and grab Y\N's hair. She keeps going to about another five minutes before I gripped her hair tightly and slamed her mouth down on me and released inside of her mouth.

Y\N's P.O.V
I swallow kings sweet seed and smile at him. King pulls himself up and kisses me. He then lays me back down as he moves his hands down to my wet panties. He rubs the inside of my thigh. I moan and run my figures threw his hair. King pulls my panties to the side a bit to were he could enter a finger in me, and starts to thrust fast. I brake the kiss to moan out loud, and I buck my hips. "K-KING~~" I moan as I grab kings shoulders. king puts two more fingers into me. My eyes roll to the back of my head as I moan out kings name over and over with each thrust. "P-pLeSe~~ KinG~ AaAAH~h" I clawed at at kings shoulders as I cum on kings fingers. my body goes limp as I lay back on chastiefol. "K-king... Please.. I-I need you. " king nods and leans down to kiss me. He soon brakes the kiss and positions himself at my intrence. "R-ready?" I nod and king pushes himself inside me. I moan out in pain and pleaser. king puts all of himself inside of me causing somtjing from inside my to pop.  I yell in pain.  King kisses my cheek and wispers sweet nothings in my ear as he waits for me to get adjusted. I nod and king starts to move back and forth. My breath hitches.  I curv my back as King goes in and out of me. I wrap my legs around king's waist and he starts to move faster. "K~iNG g-Go F-fA~~AaHHAHHAh~" I scream as king slams into me. king and I grunted, and moan in sync. I bit my lip and grip onto chastiefol as king railed into me, over and over agian. I soon feel king slam into a spot that sent me over the edge. "Y-Y\N ~~ Y-yOUr s-S~o T-TiGHT~~" king moves down to me and stops my moans by kissing me. king licks my bottom lip and bits it a bit. I happely open my mouth and we fight for dominance. I let king win and he explorers every inch of my mouth. I moan as king starts to lick my jawline down to my neck. I soon start to feel a tight, hot feeling in my stomach. "k-KiNG i~M G-~~oIng t-t-To~ cuM~~." king nods at me and grabs my hips. Ki~nG A~AaHHh~ Y~Our CoC~K~ i~S AhAhhhHH~~" I scream as I cum on to kings cock, and I go limp. I feel kings thrusting soon get sloppy and soon release inside of me. King lays down next to me, and I cuddle up to him. "K-king?" I look up to the now red sweaty fairy. "Y-yeah Y\N?" "what am I going to tell meliodas?" King lookes at me and kisses me with lots of passion. "I dont know what to tell ya. Your fucked~" king purred and I giggle at his stupid ass joke. "M-meanie " I lay my head in kings chest " I love you king." "I -I love you too." We both soon fall asleep.


loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now