A world awakening

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Meliodas's P.O.V
I open my eyes to feel a warm sensation all around my body. My vision edjusts to see Y\N. She has her face and hands laying on my chest. I take my hand and push a strand of hair out of her face. I lay a gental kiss on her forehead and slide out of bed, with my sweet ninja skills. (MELIODAS STOP BEING FULL OF YOURSELF!!! SWEET NINJA SKILLS MY ASS!) I walk down the stairs to see king and ban sitting at the bar talking. Ban looks over at me and practically screams. He jumps up from his chair and grabs me. He throws me up to the sealing and catches me. "ARE YOU AND Y\N DATEING NOW!?! AND MORE IMPORTANT QUESTION, DID YOU GUYS HAVE SEX!?!" I smirk and jump out of bans hands. "Well we are dateing, but I'm not telling you about last night." I smirk and sit at the bar next to a pissed off king. I can tell he still likes Y\N, but she's mine now and I want to atleast rub in his face how she's the best girl ever. "You know captain I'm Y\N's friend. I'm sure she will tell me." Ban said as he bends over my body. "Fine I'll tell you." I smirk with my eyes closed. Ban jumped for joy and sits in the floor in front of me. I get ready to start talking when hawk walks down the stairs. "Hey guys what are ya doing?" Ban smiles a giant smile at the pig. "OH CAPTAIN IS GETTING READY TO TELL US ABOUT WHAT HAPPEEND LAST NIGHT BETWEEN HIM AND Y\N!! " hawk runs over and sits next to ban. "Ooh Ooh I want in on this." I laugh and look over at king. Hes looking down at the two in disgust. I smirk and start talking. "Well to start off Y\N is a great kisser. She really knows how to work her tongue, and let's not forget about her hips. When I put her in my lap, her hips were moveing in all the right places." I smirk and look over at king agian. He looked at me shocked, ban and hawk was just looking at me in aww. "Y\N's body sure is something too. Her breasts are soft and perky, while her ass is nice and round. I'm happy I'm with her. I just can't get enough of her sweet moans, and her sweet lips." King stands up cutting me off. "What's wrong king?" Hawk asks looking up at the pissed off fairy king. "N-nothing!" He runs up the stairs. Keeping his he'd down to the ground. I smirk and turn to ban and hawk to continue my story.

Y\N's P.O.V
I feel heavy, and drained. I open my eyes. I sit up and run my sore eyes. I look over to see meliodas was gone. I get up and start out the door. I start my way to the stairs, but I get knocked down. I look up to see... KING! "S-sorry king. I didn't mean to bump into you." He looks at me with wide eyes. I get up out of the floor. King keeping his eyes on me. I look down to what he was looking at to see I was still in the oufit meliodas gave me last night. "O-oh!" I blush and turn back to meliodas's room, but my hand gets grabbed. "D-did you and C-captian... You know..." I look at king with wide eyes. "I.... Um. " we didn't have sex, but it caught me off guard for him to ask. He looks at me with hurt filled eyes. He let's me go, and walks to his room. I watch as kind closes the door. I sigh, and walk down the stairs. "C-captian." I stand on the stairs and look at meliodas, ban, and hawk. Meliodas looks uo to me and smiles. "Come on down here babe. I want love." I blush and walk all the way down the stairs. I make my way to meliodas. He grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap. He lifts my chin up to meet his lips. We kiss for a good five minutes Intel we are broken up by a screaming comeing from the top of the stairs. We all turn to see diane. She rushes down the stairs. Meliodas stands up and pushes me behind his back. "CAPTIAN MOVE! IM GOING YO TEACH THAT WHORE NOT TO MESS WITH MY MAN!!" I look at meliodas and he nods at me. I smile and walk out from behind him. "Diane. I'm not gong to fight you, but you have king. You shouldn't even want meliodas anymore." Diane scoffs at me. "NO! I DONT LOVE KING! IM JUST WITH HIM SO YOU CANT HAVE HIM!" I look at meliodas. "Well you win, cause I got someone even better." I turn back to meliodas, but get cut of by meliodas pulling me into his strong arm. "Diane me and her are lovers, and no one not even you can brake us apart." I look over to diane. her face grew red. She pulled her fist back to punch me in the face, but she was stoped.... By king. "Diane... Stop." Diane turns to king. "K-king!" Diane puts her hands to her mouth. "How muchdid you... " she gets cut off by king. "All of it! You never loved me.... You lied to me... You played with my heart.... Diane... I want to brake up!" My mouth drops, and diane now has tears streaming down her face. " n-no k-king!" King looks away and diane runs ul the stairs with her hands covering her eyes. King turns to me. "Y\N... I'm so sorry I didn't believe you.. Can you forgive me?" I look at king with wide eyes and nod. Meliodas tightens his grip on me and looks at king with angry eyes. "Mine" meliodas whispers just loud enough for me and king to hear. King looks away and walks to the door. He turns his head back to me and meliodas. "I'll be back by tomorrow. I need to go think about my life... "

Heeeeeeyyy! I did it! I updated twice in one day!!!!! I'm so happy and I'm so proud of my self! If your proud of me plz leave a comment XD I want the support!! Haha anyway see ya soon guys! Bye lurv ya!!!!!

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