Not an update

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I'm so sorry guys I haven't updated yet but I will soon I have got most of the stories a new chapter I just need to finish one more for one of my other books then I will update. I have just been busy with pride month. And no I'm not a lesbian and I'm not gay or anything like that but some friends and family of mine are and every year I help them celebrate it with them. And I'm sorry if you guys font think pride month is suck a big deal that it shouldn't keep me away from writing but it is to me and its kinda hard to fight when I'm running uo and down streets throwing rainbows and people XD lol so I will update soon and for all the people out there that love pride month likck me because its the time were people can be them self don't be afraid to comment below and tell me how your pride month is going and Ill support everyone all the way XD so bye for now byezzzzz

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