The change

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King's P.O.V
Y\N took off into the woods after our fight. "OH MAN WHY DID I SAY THAT!?!" I took off after her.  I flew as fast as I could but couldn't find her. "CHASTIEFOL FIND Y\N!" Chastiefol took off and vanismy into thin air.  I continued my search as well.

*Time Skip*

King's P.O.V
I had spent all day searching for Y\N, but could not find her. It was getting dark and chastiefol had not come back. I whistled,  alerting chastiefol to come back to me. He did. I started to head back to the boar hat. Awaiting the mad giant and the soon to be mad seven deadly sins. I start walking, taking my time I still look around to find Y\N. Hopeing this was just a bad dream I breathed heavily. "Y\N I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say any of that... I was just upset..." I stop, half way to the boar hat. "I can't go back not till I find Y\N." I take off running into the direction Y\N took off in. Continuing my search.

*Time Skip*(53 years later) (by the way..... You old😚😐🤐 lol jk)

Y\N's P.O.V
I was at my job that I've had for four years now.  Im a waitress at a little bar called green lake. The names weird but they have good food and ale. I have to work all night tonight cause the other waitress is sick. its the lunch rush right now so everything's really busy, but I can handle it. I go to take a man at the bars order. "See anything you like?" I say giving the man a closed eye smile. "Yeah give me a ale with a side of roasted pork." The man reached me his menu and I walk to the back to tell the cook. I go to get the mans ale when three people come into the bar. I run to give the man his ale, and meet the three men at the door. " Welcome to the green lake, I'm Y\N and I'll be your waitress today. " I show the men to their table and they tell me what they want. I nod and head to the bar to get their food.

*Time skip*(cause I'm lazy as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck😪😪😪)

Y\N's P.O.V
Its almost 1:00 in the morning so the bar is getting ready to close, and its not that busy now thank god. The only people that are here is those three men and some guy wearing a cloak sitting at the bar.  I walk up to the guy in the cloak to see if he needs anything.  All he ordered was a cup of ale. "Sir its almost closing time. Would you like anything else?" I look at the man, he doesn't say a word he just shakes his head no. he then put money on the table for the ale and walked out.  I wave goodbye to him and walk up to the three men. "Its almost closing time would you guys like anything else? " they all get a smirk on their faces and stand up. "Actually we would like something else. " one of them says while they all start walking towards me. I start to back up Intel my back hits the wall. "U-um and w-what would t-that be?" I say scared to ask. One of them reach forwards and grabs my arms, and holds them behind my back. They all chuckle at this which makes me shiver in fear. another one of them goes and pulls off my button up shirt. "S-STOP!" I scream while kicking at them. The one behind me throws me to the floor and gets on top of my back.  He lowers his face down to my ear. "And why should we stop?  We just got started." I start to cry as the man starts to kiss my neck.  Kicking and screamed to get away from him,  but nothing worked. After a few seconds he stoped kissing my neck.  He flipped me over were I was now facing him. He grabbed my breasts and started to bounce them around. "Heh these are nice. " the man said getting an evil smirk.  The other two were watching, and I could see erections sticking out of their pants I screamed louder hoping that someone would come help, but the cook went home and everyone knows we close right now.  So I was fucked.... At least I thought.  The man on tope of me ripped my bra right off and smiles.  Before he could do anything else one of the men that was watching was thrown across the bar.  The other two men stood up to see what happened.  I lay up to see what was going on when I saw that guy with the cloak.  He helped me up. I kept myself covered since my shirt and bra was gone. "Are you ok?" I look up at the man.  I swear I know that voice. "Y-yeah thank y-you." He nodded and started to take off his cloak.  He took it off and  handed it to me to put on. (PS he's wearing the outfit above in the photo above the title) He had a hood on so I was not able to see his face but I could swear I know him.

*Time Skip*(after the fight)

Y\N's P.O.V
"Thank you so much!" I say to my hero. "It was nothing, but are you ok? Those basters didn't hurt you did they?" The man said worried. "Y-yeah I'm ok.  That one guy just bruised my wrists up a little is all. " I rub my wrists. One of my hand has a sleeve on it so that no one will see my sin mark.  But even threw the silk I got bruised pretty good. "Here let me see." He reached for my hands but I pulled away.  I can't let him see my sin mark. He could tell the holy knights were I am. "I-im ok I p-promise!" He grabs my hands and looks at my wrists. Not making a sound I get worried.  "Y-Y\N...... You've changed. " I look at him wide eyed. "You know me?" I try to get a look at his face but he turns his head. "S-so what's my h-heros name?" I ask trying to sound sweet. He didn't awnser.  I sigh and look at my hands. He still had ahold of them. I blush. The man cleared his throat which caught my attention, but when I looked up to see him he crashed his lips against mine. My face heated up and turned into a tomato. while he kisses me I get a idea. I kiss him back passionately. As I do so I pull his hood off of him,  so that I can see his face. My eyes widen, and we pull apart. "K-KING!?! " I couldn't believe what happened.  I kissed king, the boy who drove me to leave the seven deadly sins. I look up at king, his face is red and hes breathing really fast like he's going to have a heart attack.  I step closer to him, he just freezes. I look into his eyes. They are feeled with lust, embarrassment, and sadness. I give him a harm smile and hug him. "King its great to see you." He stands there for awhile, but soon enough he hugs me back. "Y\N im.... I missed you. " King puts his face into my neck,  makeing me blush. His got breath sent chills down my spine. "So... How are the others." I say brakeing the hug. King looks down looking like he's about to cry. "I.... I don't know... "

Soooooooo..... This shit is just awful buuuut I tried..... Also its not fully finished so please don't ask question about it I'm trying yo get it all in here it will just take some time for it all to get connected. You'll see what I'm talking about soon. Anyway bye guys!

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now