Feeling are still there

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Y\N's P.O.V
So its been two says since we started our search for the seven deadly sins. And I'm so glade were almost there because I can't wait to tell everyone the news about me and king. Right now king is gone to find a river or something to wash up so I'm sitting here next to the fire we built. King said we should be at our destination tomorrow.  And I'm so happy.  I close my eyes and lay back on the soft grass. "Could things get any better." I soon hear footsteps comeing my way. I open my eyes to see a shirtless king. My cheeks heat up.  "Did you have fun?" I say holding a black t-shirt out to him. "Y-yeah.. So you exited to see everyone?" I look down and put my knees into my chest. "Y-yeah I'm just a little nervous." I smile into my knees. I feel a pair of arms rap around me from behind, and I look to see king's head on my shoulder. "Heh heh what are you doing weirdo?" King looked me into the eyes and tries to give me one of those sexy smirks..... Buuuut he just looks constipated. (Woooooow.... King do you need to take a poo?  Hahah BITCH PLEASE!) "king you look like your trying to poop." I laugh and king frowns. "I'm trying to look sexy." He pouts. "Haha well that face doesn't work haha" king starts to change his facial expressions frequently, trying to make himself look sexy, but every time he fails. "King you look like your face is having a seaser." I laugh and king pulls his head away from me. king sighs and lays down on the grass. "Nevermind." I look at king and feel bad. And then I get a great idea.  I sneak over to king and push his arms and legs to the ground. I roll to were I was now on top of king, still holding him of course. King looks at me and his face turns a deep shade of red.  "W-what are you doing." I come down to kings ear and whisper with a sexy quiet voice.  "King... Your already sexy." I then kiss his cheek and roll of of him laughing.  King just sat there looking into the night sky. I then blow a kiss at king and lay down.  "better get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I purr. "Kk, night Y\N." I roll over to face king. "Goodnight... Sexy. " I then close my eyes and fall into darkness.

*Time Skip* (morning)

King's P.O.V
I open my eyes to feel a Sharp pain in them from the sun.  I lay up and rub my eyes, and with a yawn I look over to my left. I didn't see Y\N anywhere. I jumped up. "Y\N!?!" I yell and then jump on chastiefol. I fly as fast so I can cover more land. After awhile of looking for Y\N I hear singing comeing from a little forest.  I fly down into the trees and land on one of the branches.  I then see that the singing was comeing from a little lake. I get closer to see a girl with. H\L F\L hair.  I get a closer look and see that its... "Y\N!!!" I scream and fall out of the tree into the lake. I hear Y\N scream as I fall into the water. I fly up into the air to get out of the water.  I look to see Y\N covering her chest,  and sitting in the water. "KING YOU PERVERT!" Y\N screams as I start to fly away. "IM SO SORRY IM GOING Y\N IM GOING!"

*Time Skip* (brought to you by pervy king lol 😂)

Y\N's P.O.V
I got dryed up and put some clothes on. Thinking about what just happened.  My face heated up. Stupid king why would he do that? I thought as I walked back to our little camp. I then found all our stuff was packed up and king was floating over a tree with chastiefol.  "King you ready?" I walk over to the floating boy. "Y-yeah, jump on." King flew down with chastiefol to my level, so I could jump on. I gave him a closed eye smile and thank him. We were then off to find the seven deadly sins.

*Time Skip* (cause I'm lazy)

Y\N's P.O.V
"WE MADE IT!!!" I jumped up and down.  Clapping my hands.  King laughed at my foolishness and walked up to the door.  " on the count of three we run in and scream freeze mathafucka. Ok?" I said to king with a over excited face. He nods and counts. "One.... Two... Three!" We rush in abd I yell freeze mathafucka, but king didn't.  He just stayed next to me laughing.  I look at him with an evil glare as I hear someone gasp. I look over to see Elizabeth. "E-ELIZABETH!?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?!" I couldn't believe my eyes. She giggled and walks towards me, she hugs me and whispers as soft as possible in my ear. "Thats not important, I've missed you two so much. " I could feel her tears on my shoulder, so I hugged her back. "I'm sorry... " we broke apart, and she looked at king.  She smiled at him and walked over to the stairs.  "I'll tell the others your here." She walked up the stairs. King walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.  "Y/N.. I.. Ive been needing to tell you something for a-awhile now." King looks down. "What is it?" I look at king with sad eyes. " well... I kinda.. " I grabbed kings hands and pull them to my face. " king you can tell me.  No matter what it is I'll still love you." I kiss his hand and look back up at him. "Y\N... I THINK WE SHOULD SPEND SOMETIME APART!!" My hands drop and my eyes widen. I put my hands up to my mouth as tears stream down my face. " w-what why?  D-did I do something wrong?" I cover my face trying to hide my tears.  "N-no.. Its just... I think... I still have something  for diane. " king drops his head. "I'm sorry." At this moment I felt my heart break.  I felt hatred and pain. I slap king across the face. "You know what? Fuck you king I'm sick of your bull shit. I hate you!  I hate you!" I look at kings shocked face. He was about to say something when meliodas comes down and starts groping me from behind.  "Wow have you gotten bigger Y\N? " meliodas groped me even harder. I was about to punt him across the fucking room When I noticed red faced king, and this time it wasn't from blushing. I smile, and put my hands on melosdas's hands (PS. There still on yo boobs😂😂😂) In a happy school girl voice I say. "Cap'n!  Oh I'm so glad to be back in your strong arms." I intertwine me and Meliodas's fingers.  He smirks against my neek. "Wow I love how much you've changed." I look back to king to find him shaking with anger. all at once I her someone running down the stairs. I turn to see diane jumping off the stairs and landing in kings arms. "King I'm so happy to see you agian!" Me and king looked at her in shock. "DIANE HOW DA FUCK ARE YOU NOT BRAKING KINGS BACK!?!" I scream getting a laugh from ban in the corner (btw asshole been sitting there not giving a shit you alive lol) diane snorts at me and turns back to king, still in his arms. "King I've missed you so much. Come on let's go to my room so we can talk." Diane jumps out of kings, arms and pulls him upstairs. My face turns red from anger. I grip Meliodas's hands tighter, Intel I hear a cracking noise. Then throw meliodas off me. God damn it!  I was trying to make him jealous, buuut noooooo. Diane has to show up. I turn to the bar were ban is now laughing his ass off, and pointing at meliodas. I walk over to the bar and grab some ale. "Welp... Back to my old ass life. " and I drank the ale... 

Ok guys so I haven't updated in a while, and I'm sorry, but my life has been busy.  But since its almost summer time i have mirw time for you guys now isn't that great! So now I'll update more.  😁 so hope you guys like the story and I'll see ya next time

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now