Shit happens

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Y\N's P.O.V
It had been three days since the others found out I'm the eighth sin. I'm so glade they figured it out. Things have been great since then. Me and king hangs out alot.... Well... And diane. To be honest I want to be alone with king, but Diane never leaves his side anymore. We stopped the boar hat at some village to make some money and to relax. The village is surrounded by a beautiful forest. I thought this would be the perfect time to ask king to hangout out.. Alone. I go looking for king. "KING!" I couldn't find him anywhere. I decided to ask diane. Shes so big that she sees everything. I ran up to her. "Diane have you seen king anywhere?" I walk up and poke her ankle. "Yeah I know were he is. Why do you ask?" She picks me up to face her. "I'm going to go see if he wants to go shopping with me." Diane was to big to go into the village. She would destroy everything. "Oh is that so? Well king cant come with you." She looked down at me with a death glare. "W-WHAT WHY?!?" I was getting kinda mad. " oh he has plans with me." Diane sat me back on the ground. "Me and king are going on a date." She glared at me while laughing at me. I stood there, not wanting to believe a word she just said. "H-hey diane. You r-ready?" I turn to see king. "Yup!" Diane sqweeked all happy. She jumped up, making the whole earth shake. (And that was not a fat joke lol 😂) i looked at king. He was blushing. He looked over to me and his blush just went away. Like it just fucking disappeared, I mean AM I THAT UGLY!?! "Hey Y\N I thought you were in the tavern?" He looked away floating upward towards diane. "Y-yeah, but I c-came out here to find y-you. " I covered my face. "B-but I can s-see your busy, so I'm j-just going to go." I ran into the woods covering my red face.

King's P.O.V
Y\N ran into the woods she covered up her face but I could see a little bit of a red tint on her cheeks. I decided to go find her. "Were are you going king?" I look up to diane. "I'm going to go find Y\N. She looked kinda upset." I float towards diane. "BUT WE HAVE PLANS! If I didn't know better I would say you have a crush on her!" diane grabbed me out of the air, and pulled me close to her face. "You don't like her... RIGHT?" I look into dianes eyes. "W-well I never thought o-of her like that.. Bu-" before I could finish diane pulled me closer to her face and kissed me! My face started to heat up. She pulled me away from her face. "Well.. Ok go find her, but don't take to long!" I nodded as she set me down. Face still red I flew into the woods to find Y\N.

Diane's P.O.V
He.... He said but... I didn't want to hear him say but... Does he really like Y\N? Does he still like me...? I never thought of king as.... Well as anything more than a friend.. But.... Ever since we found Y\N he doesn't treat me like I'm the center of attention anymore. He just hangs with Y\N. I don't want to lose king. I like the attention. Y\N can't have it... I'll make sure of it.

Ok..... So its short but I've been busy. I have a life, and I know you guys are probably like holy shit she has a life?!? But yeah I do.. I might hate it but I got one.... Anywho been busy bla bla bla here os your trash bla bla bla see yeah guys

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