I'm a dumbass

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Hey guys... Sooooo.. You all might kill me... Buuut I'm actually trying to update this book... Its just so hard to update because ill have an idea for my next chapter but then I'll forget it like the dumbass I am... And I know you guys probably want yo punch me... But to keep you from doing it I'm going to say since its finally summer and school is out I CAN WORK ON MY BOOK MORE! Aaaand as a special bonus my friend marcus is going to help. I gave her my profile password so she will help out, so that means if I'm not working on it she will be and if she's not I will be so its easy on both of us.. And the book won't get any worse because she has actually done a chapter before for me cause I had broke my wrist and so she helped me out.  She actually did a chapter you all loved.  She did "passionate kiss" so I know you guys are going to like her lol anyways hope to here from you guys and I'll update soon byeeee I love ya guys!

Ps.  If you look at the pic at the top I made that gif. It shows how sorry I am XD anyway byeeeee agian!

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