Losing the one I love

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King's P.O.V
Well... Yesterday was wierd. It was... Crazy, but everyone acts likd it never happened. After Y/N found me she apologized. Everything is back to normal and me and Y/N are happy. I float down the stairs to see meliodas and Elizabeth sitting in his lap. Elizabeth is two months pregnant wity the captains baby. And you can tell a bit now. Her belly has started to grow a bit, but so has her breasts. I swear that's all the caption does now is mess wity Elizabeths breasts. I sigh and look over to the bar to ses Y/N I fly towards her. "Hey babe have you seen ban?" She shakes her head. "Nope." Was all she said as she took a drink of her ale. I look over to see gowther looking at Elizabeths Kelly and asking the captain questions about it. I grab Y/N's hand and pull her up to were she was now sitting on my mid stomach. I take her ale and drink the latest of it and set it down. "HEY!" I giggle and kiss her nose. She lays her head down on my chest and we float outside. " I love these days were we can just relax and be together. " Y/N nods and rubs her finger around my chest. I wrape my arms around her back and lay my chin of her head. We relax and just float around.

??? 'S P.O.V
I watch at the infamous fairy king and eighth sin float around on oneanother. I gag at how they act. Its disgusting. I hate it. I watch them in silence and keep my body hidden. i look down at my hands. "I'll see you soon wolf sin." I smile and run off to get the others.

King's P.O.V
I felt Y/N fell asleep on me, so I floated towards our rooms window. I opened it and floated inside. Shutting it with my foot. I layed Y/N down on our bed and covered her up. I also put chastiefol down under her head. She soon wraped her arms around chastiefol just like she does me when we sleep together. I watched as she slowly breathed in and out. Studying her soft facial features. I played with her hair and her lips. She was perfect. She was so beautiful, kind, strong. I wouldn't be able to live without her. We have been threw alot.. She has been threw alot, but.. I'm glad were finally together. I kiss her heah, and float out of our rooms door. I slowly connect my feet with the hard ground and walk down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and get me an Apple. As soon as I take a bit I hear the frunt door slam open. I look over towards the door to see ban. "Ban!? " me and captain yell in sinc. We both run towards ban and bombard him with questions. "What happened to you? Were habr you been? " stuff like that. Ban glares at me. He grabs me by my jacket and shoves me into the wall. "Your damn girlfriend cut off my head, and flushed my head down the mother fucking toilet!" I looked at him wity shock. "That fucking bitch is going to die! " ban let's me go and starts for the stairs. I had never seen ban this mad in my life. caption tried to stop ban but he was only able to throw ban threw the wall out of the tavern. Me and captain ran outside to ses ban getting out of a crater. "Ban don't touch Y/N! " I looked at ban with murderous eyes. "Fuck off king! That little bitch is getting whats coming to her!" Ban ran at me. I didn't have chastiefol with me so I couldn't use my spear. Caption jumped in front of me and grabed bans fist crushing his hand. I could hear bans bones braking and cracking under meliodas's pressure, but ban didn't even care. "KING GET Y/N OUT OF HERE!" I nod and fly up to our room. I grab Y/N by tye shoulders and wake her up. "K-king what the hell!?" "Come one we got to get out of her!" I pulled Y/N into my arms and flew as fast as I could out of tye tavern. Y/N looked down. "KING WHAT THE HELL IS BAN DOING TO MELIODAS!?" I looked down to see meliodas laying in a crater and ban on top of him with his foot threw tye captions stomach. "Don't worry about it let's go!" I kept flying till I felt Y/N jump out of my arms. "Y/N!!"

Y/N's P.O.V
I jumped out of kings arms and hit the ground with all my strength causing a giant gust of dirt, wind, and rocks to go flying. I started running at ban "BAN YOU ASSHOLE STOP!" Ban turned at me and smiled. I jumped up at ban and kicked him straight in the jaw. Ban flew five feet back and hit a tree causing a loud crack to come from his back. He just kept a straight face and ran at me wity full force. I pulled my arms to black him but he threw his fist into my gut. I coughed up blood and flew back in the air. I hit tye ground with a loud thud pain flew threw my body. I stood up and gave ban the weakest smile I had. Out of no wear a spear went threw bans chest. I looked up to see king. "BAN DONT TOUCH HER!" Kings spear spun around and went threw bans chest flying threw the air back to kings side. King flew down to the ground and stood infrunt of me. "Ban I swear I will kill you if you touch her one more time." ban smirked at king. "I won't kill her. I just want to have as much fun as she did when she fucking flushed me!" I looked at king and walked in frunt of him "Y-. " I cut off king "ban I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't had done that. I didn't mean to hurt you likd that or do that to you. I was just mad. Were friends and I should have done that to my friend.. I understand why your mad.. BUT YOUR STUPID ASS DID DESERVE IT! BUT I DO ADMIT I shouldn't have don't it.." I looked at ban with sad eyes. Ban looked at me with emotionless eyes. We both stood stareing at each other for what felt like an hour. "Oh I CANT STAY MAD AT YOU!!" ban ran at me. Wraped his arms around me as tight as he could and swung me around. "GAH!!! " ban let go of my and I git the gorund I coughed up more blood. I couldn't breath. King and ban layed me up against a tree and at this point caption was there. "Y/N!?" "King shell be fine she just needs to rest and get cleaned up." I looked at caption and nodded. King lifted me up. We started our way to the tavern. All at once I felt wind dust rocks hit all of us. Causing us all to fly forward. We all hit the ground. I looked back to see the last person I would have expected to see. ".. A-alexis?... " the former holy night. the former friend... My former partner in crime. She pushed her dark blue bangs out of her eyes. "Nice to see you agian wolfie.." With one hand she swung her sword downward... "GAAAHH!!!"

King's P.O.V
"Y/N!!!!!! " I watched as the blue haired girl bring her sword out of Y/N's chest. Crimson blood dripped down her sword. "Aww you use to be much more of a fighter... Hehe I guess you've gone soft." I looked at ban and meliodas. They both were on the ground just like me.. But their faces.. Showed murderous intentions. Ban sprung up off the ground and and punched the blue haired girl threw fifteen trees. Caption then grabed his sacred treasure and sprung for the gurl. The girl quickly getting on her feet blocked his broke sword with hers. Causing a gust of wind to blow back. Keeping my ground I ran to Y/N's side. Her E/C eyes were dulling and rolling upwards. Bearly holding on to conciousness. I pulled her into my arms as my tears ran down my face. Coughing uo blood she looked at me. "N-no not now! I c-cant lose you w-w-when I just got you! I don't w-want to lose you!" I closed my eyes tight as Y/N coughed more and more blood up. Gasping for air. I looked at the whold in her chest. Watching in horror as blood gushed out of it. I wanted to throw up. I wanted this to just be a sickening nightmare.. But I wouldn't wake up. "k-i~ng.. " I looked at Y/N with tears streaming down my face hitting her cheek. "D-on~t cr-ah-y.. I-i-mm h-hh~er-re." Y/N gasped as more blood arrupt from the wound. "Y-Y\N! DONT TALK!" I pulled my jacket off nad pushed it onto the wound. "You'll b-be o-o-ok.. Y-youll be f-fine.. " I wraped my arms around her delicate figure as she held onto my shirt tightly. I watched her eyes flutter as she fought to stay awake."Y-Y/N! Don't c-close your eyes. S-stay with m-m-me! " Y/N smiled and brought her head towards mine. Causing her wound to gush more and her to stop dead in her tracks. She tightened her grip on me from the pain. She was shaking. She continued to move forward she pushed her forehead to mine and smiled a closed eyed smile at me. I watched wide eyed as she did so. She moved her lips to my head and kissed my dimple. Her lips were Cold and shaky. Shs pulled back only for her body to give out and land back on my arms... Lifeless like. ".... Y-Y\N?.... " I smacked her cheek lightly. ".. Y-Y\N!... Y/N!!!! " I layed her body down on the ground... No..... She can't be gone.... She can't... I grabed chastiefol and ran to were ban and caption were. I saw ban on the ground locked unconscious and caption still fighting with the blue haired women. The women had shoved her sword threw the captions throat and slung him at a tree. I flew upwards and turned chastiefol into heavens spear. "t... TAKE THIS!!" I closed my eyes and sent my spear towards her. she tried to doge but it ended up having my spear go threw her thigh. She hit the ground, but quickly stood back up. She lifted her sword up and ran at me I put one hand out to send my spear beradge at her. She dodged most of the spears.. But not all of them.. hit the ground on one knee. she pulled out a round little purple ball from her shirt pocket and smashed it between her hands all at once a purple cloud formed around her. I looked around and saw there was also a purple fog around Y/N. My eyes widened when I saw the blue haired girls figure pick up Y/N I flew straight at the fog. "DONT TOUCH HER!" I flew into the fog... To find nothing.. "n-no... " I looked at the ground that was now stained with Y/N's blood. I hit the ground "NOOO!!" I hit the ground over and over with my fists. "I.... I just got you back... "

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now