Trying but fails

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Y\N's P.O.V
I ran threw the forest as fast as I can with tears in my eyes.  My heart is pounding,  my legs going numb. I didn't care I just needed to get away. I ran and ran Intel I couldn't run anymore.... Then I ran some more. (Well shit.... Then I ran some more... THE FUCK I THOUGHT YOU COULDN'T RUN ANYMORE!?!?) After awhile I tripped over a tree ripped half way out of the ground. My legs were numb and I didn't know were I was, but I don't care I just wanted to be alone. "Why am I crying? Why did I run? King and I are just friends, and he always tells me how he loves diane... So.. Why am I so sad?" I layed down in the grass.  The grass was soft and cool.  I ran my hands threw it. The trees covered my body while letting only letting a few rays of sun light threw.  I reached my hand into the rays of sun light. It was warm. The wind was blowing a warm breeze and it was so soothing...then.. Everything started to fade while I drifted into darkness. (Ps your not dead youz asleep☺😪)

*Time Skip*

King's P.O.V
I flew threw the forest looking for Y\N.  The wind was blowing and the grass was long and flowing.  I flew towards the grown and jumped off chastiefol. I started to walk. The wind felt even nicer when I walked. I stared to get pretty far away from the tavern. "Y\N! " I called, but I didn't hear a thing.  I keep walking into the forest, observing all the little details. I saw squirrels, rabbits, and even foxes. I started to get nervous that something had happened to Y\N cause I didn't see her anywhere. All of a sudden I felt a tug on chastiefol.  I turn around expecting to see Y\N, but got an even bigger surprise. A deer 🦌...... It was trying to eat chastiefol. (HELL NAW!  PUNCH IT!!!!!!! 😐😐😐 I don't like nature) "psst go!... Go on little deer." I tried to scare the deer off but it just continues to chew on chastiefol. "LET GO!" I pulled with all my might,  but the deer would not let go. I then got an idea.  I started to fly into the air. Thinking the deer would get scared and run away, but IT DIDN'T!!  The motherfucker just held on for deer life.( haha did you see what I did there I put "deer" instead of dear life XD.... Oh ok no laughs... FUCK YOU IM FUNNY!) I flew back to the ground. "Come on give it back!" I pulled and pulled. Then the deer had finally let go. I fell backwards over a tree that was pulled out of the ground. I grunted as my back impacts the hard ground. "oww!" I lay up, but to my suprize I hear soft breathing coming from behind me. I turn to see Y\N. She was asleep with tears streaming down her face. I move closer to her. Not making a pep to not wake her.  I sit in front of her sleeping figure.  the sun rays hit her hair while her face sat in the shade.  Her hair shined, and her cheeks were dusted pink. She was so beautiful.  I pick her head up and put it in my lap, Petting her head softly I noticed she had a few cuts on her legs, and her pants had a few little holes in them.  It looked like she ran threw a couple thorn bushes. "*Sigh* Y\N how do we get in these situations?" After a little while I pick Y\N up and get on chastiefol. We fly into the air and start to make our way back to the boar hat. 

*Time Skip*

King's P.O.V
We make it back to the boar hat, but I didn't see diane anywhere." Did I take to long?" I floated down to the door with Y\N in my arms. "YES! YOU DID!" ( HOW THE HELL DID YOU NOT SEE HER XD) I dropped Y\N as I get snatched away from the door and pulled up to meet an angry diane. "KING HOW COULD YOU! YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR THREE HOURS! AND WHY WAS Y\N IN YOUR ARMS!?!" Diane stomped and screamed as she threw the worst tantrum ever.   "D-diane please calm d-down. I'm s-so sorry!" I begged her to calm down but she just kept on screaming. "DIANE!" Diane stopped throwing her tantrum and looked down to see Y\N.  "Diane stop it!  Your over a hundred years old and your acting like your two! King is grown he can do what he wants!" Y\N stood up for me and yelled at the giant.  Diane dropped me and went to grab Y\N.  I quickly flew towards Y\N and picked her up before diane could get her.

Y\N's P.O.V
He can do what he wants!" I yelled at diane to stop acting stupid and to leave king alone,  but she just gets even madder.  She dropped king and started towards me.  King flew really fast and picked me up before diane could grab me. "DIANE DONT LAY A FINGER ON Y\N!" King shouts while pulling me closely to his chest.  I blush, and look up at king. "king give her to me so I can squeeze her guts out!" Diane started chasing us as we started flying away. King flew even faster and went strait into the forest to lose the giant girl. After awhile we lose her and land next to a big oak tree. "King you shouldn't have done that.. Now dianes never going to forgive you."  I look at the sad fairy king, but he looked away. "... Y\N you should have stayed out of it..... I could have handled it." My eyed widened. "EXCUSE ME!?! KING SHE WAS ACTING LIKE A BRAT, AND YOU WERE JUST LETTING HER DO IT,  SO OF COURSE I TRIED TO HE... " king stands up cutting me off. "YEAH WELL I DONT CARE HOW SHE ACTS BECAUSE I LOVE HER... a-and now thanks to you.... She is even madder.. AND I DONT KNOW WHY I SAVED YOU... BUT I DID... And now... I regret it. " King turns his head.  "O-oh.... What happened to I'm glade your the eighth sin?" I stand up facing the fairy. "Good bye king.. I hope our paths never cross ever agian." I start in the opposite direction, never wanting to see the seven deadly sins ever agian....

Ooooo cliff hanger what will happen next?

Also..  so I've been getting alot of comments saying how you guys love this book..... So.. Thanks!  I appreciate it guys and thx for being with me threw this strash lol anyway see ya guys next time.

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now