A little surprise

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king's P.O.V
I was laying on chastiefol looking at the clouds, when I hear the front door open. I look over to see Y\N  I smile and fly towards her. I pick her up and kiss her. Ever since our little.... Session in the woods. I've really been coming out of my shy shell, and I'm more out going, but as for Y\N... She gets more nervous around me now. "Hey babe." "H-hey baby. What are you up too?" I pull Y\N in my lap and float back to chastiefol. "Well I was looking at clouds, but now that your here... " I trail off as I pull her face forward mine. I kiss Y\N and play with the hem of her shirt. "K-king.. " I kiss Y\N's neck as she grips my shoulders trying to hold back a moan. I smile and kiss her collar bone. "King.. Can we g-go inside?.. " I nod at her and fly into the window of our room. I lay Y\N on my bed and kiss her passionately. "Y\N... I'm so happy your mine. " she giggles and plays with my hair. "I am too. Your a way better kisser than the captain. " I smile at her, but it soon turns into a frown. "What wrong king? " I shake my head and lay my head in the crook of her neck. " i-i just don't like to think about how you and the captain... Well.. " Y\N picks my face up and kisses my forehead. "King I never had sex with him. we never went further than Cuddleing. " I smile and kiss her neck. "well than let's just say your not missing out on any thing important. " I kiss Y\N and throw tye blanket over te top of us. "Now let's have some fun~"

*Time Skip* (brought to you by a horny little fairy 😂😭 omg I am suck a bad person XD)

Y\N's P.O.V.
I walk out of me and kings bedroom. King is out like a light. I walk down the hall but hear someone in tye bathroom throwing up. I walk in to see Elizabeth. "Elizabeth are you ok!?!  Are you sick!?! " I walk up to her and grab some of her hair and pull it out of her face so it dosnt get vomit in it. "Y-yeah miss y-yv

I'm o.... " she cuts herself off by vomiting some more. "Elizabeth tell me tye truth what's wrong. " she pulls her hair behind her ear and looks at me. I take a cloth and wipe her mouth. "Miss y-y

i-im... I'm.. Pregnant.. " I look at Elizabeth in shock, but it soon turns into happiness. "AWWWW YOU HAVE TO TELL THE CAPTAIN! " she looks down. "B-but... What if he's not happy." I pat her head. Damn her cuteness. "Elizabeth the captain loves you. I know he'll be happy. " she smiles at me and nods. "Thx miss y

." "No prob" I walk out of the bathroom along with Elizabeth. We walk down the stairs to see the captain and hawk at the bar. "hawk ban has some scraps upstairs for you. " hawk screams and "piggy trots" up the stairs I giggle and look at Elizabeth. "Good luck." I whisper into her ear. She nods and I walk up the stairs to leave them alone. I walk back into me and kings bedroom to see him sitting on the bed in his boxers. "There you are. Why did you leave me?" "I was going to go get a snack." King nods and pulls me into his lap. "Well now that you got some energy, we can continue what we started~" I blush and shove my head between his neck. "O-okey, but don't be so rough this time. My legs kinda hurt from earlier. " he nods, connecting both of us in a kiss.

So here you guys go its kinda short bit I tried. I didn't have much time for this chapter, but I did it cause  you guys make me so happy with all the comments on how you suport me and how you all care. You guys are the best so I at least wanted to give you another chapter. Thx and I'll sed ya guys soon. Byezzzzz

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now