Being a smart ass

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King's P.O.V
"BAN HIDE!" "IM FUCKING TRYING!" Ban runs behind the bar while I hid under a table. ( first off king that stops fucking stupid) I soon here the front door slam open. I cover my mouth from gasping in fear. I stay under the table while I hear feet stomping towards me and bans direction. I try to keep my shit together so I don't fucking piss my self, but I was shaking oit of my pants. ( ok... Ok.. Just gonna question this.. HOW THE FUCK IS YOU A SIN!  YOU LOST A FIGHT TO A DAMN CAT!  NOW YOUR ABOUT TO PISS YOUR SELF!) I stay as quiet as possible as I hear ban scream. "FOUND YOU!  YOU DAMN SUN OF A BITCH!" I cover my ear's while I hear ban screaming in pour horror. "KINGS UNDER THE TABLE!!" My eyes go wide and I jump out of my hiding spot. "BAN WHAT THE HELL!" I stop yelling at ban when I see what stood in frunt of me... I looked int othe eyes of a blood thirsty..... "Y-Y\N... " I run out of tye room and leave ban to deal with Y\N alone. "DAMMIT KING GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!" Y\N ran out of the boar hat and chased me into the woods. I jumped up to start flying but was emiediantly tackled to the ground. I groaned in pain as I fight to get the air back in my lungs. Y\N flips me over to were she was now on my stomach and grabbing the collier of my shirt. "King you better pray. That I don't do to you what I did to ban." I ran out so fast I didn't even get to see what she did. "W-what would that b-b-be?" She smirked at me. She lowered down to my ear. ".... I... Ripped his tongue out, and shoved it down his throught... " mt eyes widened. "I T-THOUGHT THAT WAS AN EMPTY THREAT P-PEOPLE JUST GAVE!?! " Y\N pushed my down to the ground and looked me in tye eyes. "King~ when I threaten someone.. I mean.. It~" I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump in the back of my throat. "So.. W-what are ya going to d-do to me?" She smiled. She sat up right on top of me and connected her pointer finger to her lip. "Hmm I don't know~" I wachted in fear as she thought about a punishment. "Y-Y\N.... I'm so s-sorry. " she looked at me wide eyed and started to laugh. "King... You can't take back what you did~" I close my eyes in fear, but not a second later I hear a high pitched girly scream. I open my eyes to see ban had tackled Y\N to the ground. "KING RUN!!  IM IMMORTAL!  YOUR NOT!" I nod and ran straight for the boar hat. I met captain inside while he pulled me into the kitchen and open a door in the back of the cabnets. He shoved me inside and walked in himself. "There kings. Y\N won't find you in here. I sighed and thanked tye caption. "By the way king.. Ban wasn't really clear why Y\N wanted to kill you. What did you do?" I looked at tye Caption and sighed. "I.... Kinda.. Well. You know. *sigh* I kinda elbowed her in the mouth and when I saw her lip bleeding a bit... I say the most stupid thing ever... " "go on" "*sigh* I said wow I didn't know it was that time of the month... Now she wants me dead.. " captian looked at  me puzzled. "But why does she want to kill ban too? " " oh... Well after I said that he walked in, noticed her bloody mouth and said wow king I think you went a little to rouph... " I blushed and covered my face "I'm the worst person ever." Captian just nodded. " well let's give her time to cool down." I agreed an layed down.

*Time Skip*

Y\N's P.O.V
Its been an hour and I still havnt found king. I looked back at ban who was in the bar floor, but the only thing was... He was just a head. I cut his head off his shoulders and threw his body off a cliff ( DAMN I WANNA PARTY WITY THUS CHILD!) I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't kill king. It was just a joke. I got up and grabed ban out of the floor. "Were are we going? " I looked down at the severed head in my arms. "Well I'm gonna go flush you down the toilet. Then go find king and tell him I'm sorry, and that I forgive his little joke." "WHAT??!?KING GETS OFF THE HOOK AND IM GETTING FLUSHED!!! " I nodded and walked into the bathroom.

*Time Skip*

Y\N's P.O.V
I walked out of the bathroom and started my search for king.

So yeah... That sucked I just wanted to make this caude I got bored the next chapter will actually have somthing relivent happen. But right now I just wanted to write non sence. Hope you enjoy and see ya later

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now