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King's P.O.V
The sun started comeing up, and still no sign of Y\N. "Were could she have gone?" I say floating in mid air. I float down and sit on a rock. "I should have never left. If she's hurt I'll never forgive myself." Tears form into my eyes, and I grab my head. "S-she could b-be dead!" I scream. What am I going to tell everyone? God and to top it off I'm going to half to tell them she was the eighth sin. I was the onlyone who figured that out! They're going to hate me. After awhile of thinking I decided to head back to the boar hat.

*Time Skip*

Y\N's P.O.V
I woke up in.... IN KING'S BED! "What am I doing here I should be looking for king!  I jump up, but was pushed back into bed by Ban. "Y\N stay in bed, your hurt." Ban points at my throat. I put my hand to my throat to feel bandages. "W-w-w~aa."  I try to talk but can't. I flinched in pain. "We found you like this passed out in the forest." Ban said putting his hand on my shoulder. "K-k~~iinn-n~~g-g." I try to ask about king as good as I can. Ban could tell what I was saying some how. "King came back, but he left as soon as we told him you went after him and didint comeback, and he's been out all night long." ban said looking at the floor. I jump up, and try to get out of bed but failed as ban pushed me back down.  Y\N stop your hurt!  King can take care of himself!" I tossed and turned, struggling against Ban's grip. Tears fell from my eyes as I calmed down.  Ban hugged me. "B-b~aaA-~n~nnn." I cried and cried. He held on to me knowing I needed the comfort. The pain from my throat was unbarable.  I couldn't talk and it was hard to breathe. Ban wiped my tears. "You should get some sleep.  I'll bring you up some food in a bit." He kissed my forehead and walks off, leaving me to my thoughts.

King's P.O.V
I make it to the boar hat.  I open the door getting ready for everyone to kill me, but to only find everyone running around getting drunk and having a good time. "G-guys?" Every looked at me. " THERE HE IS!" Meliodas said running up to me. He pulls me to the bar. "Have a drink with us." I was shocked. "G-guys I didn't f-find Y\N." I put my head to the ground. "Yeah...... We found her." Ban said making a plate of food. "W-WHAT!?! WHERE IS SHE?!?" I jump in Ban's face. "In our room." I fly right up the stairs like lightning, and bust down the door to find Y\N sleeping in my bed. I floated over to her. "Y\N I'm so sorry." I looked at her throat, it had bandages raped around it. "Oh god what happens?!?" I grab her hand. "She'll be fine her throat is just sore from yelling for you all night long." I look to see ban in the door way. I turn back to Y\N. "Ban go get cap'n, I got something to tell you both...."

Sorry for the short chapter, buuuut you know.... Life and all... See you on the next chapter. 

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now