A drunken mistake

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Y\N's P.O.V
I raise up from a soft bed to be met with a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I look over to see meliodas fast asleep. I kiss his head and slide out of his arm. I grab one of captains shirts and throw it on along with some short shorts. I head down stairs and start making breakfast for everyone. I make eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. I soon hear a door open and see ban walking down. "Hey ban! I made breakfast." He smiles and runs up to me. He grabs a plate and ruffles my hair. "Thx Y\N!!!" He makes him a plate and sits down to eat. I then hear another door open and I see king float down. "Hey king Y\N made breakfast. " ban said while his mouth is stuffed. I turn to ban with the stop talking with your mouth full look. He looks at me and turns back to his plate. I look at king and reach him a plate, with a closed eyed smile plastered on my face. I then make a plate and head to the stairs. "Where are you going?" I turn to look at king. "I'm taking a plate to the captian. He's still asleep and I want him to have a nice hot breakfast. " king nods and heads to the kitchen. I then make my way up the stairs to meliodas's room.

Ban's P.O.V
I watch as Y\N goes up the stairs. When she's out of sight I get up and run to the kitchen. I stand in the doorway and watch king get him a bottle of ale. "Oooh I've never seen you drink this early in the morning." I smirk at king while he glares at me. "Leave me alone ban." King floats past me while drinking the ale. I run uo to him and give him an evil smirk. "Fine. Fine. I just thought maybe you would like to have someone to drink with." I reach behind the bar and grab a bottle of ale. King sighs and sits down. I pull the tab off the bottle and inhale the sweet aroma of the ale. "B-ban?... " I look at king while taking a long sip of my ale. "What?" I lay my bottle down and turn to face king. "D-do you think Y\N c-could ever forgive me?... " king looks down with tears in his eyes. I love to piss king off and we might fight alot, but I hate seeing him so depressed. I sigh and give him a worried look. " king... Do you want the truth? " he nods and looks at me with pleadings eyes. "King... You made Y\N cry every night and day, and you hurt her bad... I know you cared for diane, but you knew how she can loose her temper easy, and how she had that crush on the captain. You could have talked to diane and Y\N both at the same time, but... You took diane's side without a second thought. Y\N is supposed to be your friend, and you treated her like an enemy. You made her feel like you didn't care about your friend. Y\N would have at least heard you both out if you and a friend, or boyfriend started fighting." I look over at king to see tears streaming down his face. "King all I'm going to say is if I wasn't drunk at that time... I would have punched you 6 feet into the ground." I stand ul and walk uo the sstairs to leave king to think.

Y\N's P.O.V
I start back down the stairs. I had woken maleiodas up and gave him his breakfast, so now I just got to go clean up. I head down the stairs to see king sitting at the bar, but... Something was different. He had dark pink cheeks and his eyes were dilated. (He looked kinda like the picture above) He was also moveing around alot were he couldn't keep balance on his stool. He feel in the floor and I rushed to his side. "K-king!? Are you ok?" King sits uo and looks at me. He tilts his head to the side. "Y-Y\N *hic* why do y-you have *hic* four boobs." I blush and punch him in thd side of the head. Sending him fling into the wall. "YOU DAMN DRUNK PERV!" Meliodas comes running down and sees king in the wall and me holding my breasts. "What happened!? What did he do!?" Meliodas grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes. I shake my head and his eyes forward. He turns to king and runs at him. He picks king up and slams him against the wall. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?! " I grab Meliodas's hand and make him let go of king. "M-meliodas he didn't touch, or hurt me!" Meliodas wraps his arms around me and growls at king. "Then what happened?" I sigh and tell him how king got drunk and said I had four boobs. Meliodas's face soffens and he tries to hold back a laugh. "DONT YOU FUCKING LAUGH! YOU JUST TRIED TO KILL KING!" He sighs and hugs me agian. "That because I thought he touched what was mine. I smiled and kiss his cheek. "Never. I would never let anyone touch me.. I belong to you." Meliodas let's go and smiles. "I'll be back I need to go get dressed." I nodded and watched as he walked up the stairs. I turn to king and walk over to him. I help him up and walk him to the bar. I give him a glass of water and watch as he drinks the whole thing. Once he finished it and was able to process what was happening he looked at me and blush. "Y-Y\N?... " I look at his blushing face. "W-we... *sigh* we need to talk... "

Hehehe eat that world! I'm going to keep torturing you with my dumb ass book! Suck it! And fuck you nature! Instead of being outside getting exercise, I've been writing! So fuck you nature!! Hahhah!!!!

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