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Y\N's P.O.V
Its been two days since we got back to the boar hat, and I'm actually happy. Im back with the people I love and I'm having the time of my life. Meliodas is still a perv, but he's actually fun to hang with, ban and I argue alot, bit its all in good fun, and we always drink together. Gowther is strange, but he's actually fun to hang out with too. I just love to tell him things that aren't true then laughing about them. Like one time I told him its super important to kiss king hello every morning on the lips or he will die, AND HE BELIEVED ME!!! Yes I did it cause I'm mad at king, buuut I also did it to laugh at them. Diane and me hate each other, but Elizabeth makes up for diane. Elizabeth is sweet and fun, so she's my bff, and finally... Me and king... We font talk. We don't even look at each other, but I don't care. I actually have a crush on someone else, and hes not a dick head, so I'm super excited! "Y\N!!!" I turn my head to see a drunk ban. "BAN YOU GOT DRUNK WITHOUT ME!?! " I sighed and punched him in the side of the head. Ban layer down in the floor and started screaming things that no one understood. I laughed and looked over at the bar. I saw king and meliodas talking. I rolled my eyes and look down at ban. "Y-*hic* Y\N..." Ban looked up at me. "What is it now ban?" Ban layer there looking up at me for a few second before speaking agian. "I *hic* can see up your *hic* skirt." ( ps. Your wearing the tavern uniform.) Ban grew a evil smirk, and my face grew red. I kick ban in the head knocking him back into the bar. Meliodas and king looked over at me in confusion. "What was that for." Meliodas said while walking over to me. "FUCKIBG PERVERT WAS LOOKING UP MY SKIRT!!" I scolded in Ban's direction. " oh so he looked up this." Meliodas grabbed my skirt and pulled it upwards. Exposing the lower half of my body. "C-CAPTIN!!!" I yelled at meliodas as I gripped my skirt and pulled it back down. "Oh come on dont act like you hate it." Meliodas said still pulling my skirt. I held it down while meliodas tried his best yo pull it back up. "Meliodas if you don't stop, your going to end up in that bar like ban!" Meliodas eventually let's go and walks back over to king.  I sigh out of relief and walk outside to get away from the crazies. I make it outside to see diane sitting next to the tavern all mad and puffed up. I look at her, and walk away from her. I don't care if she's mad. I don't care if she's sad. I just don't care for her. in mid thought I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to see diane. She had hatred in her eyes and she looked pissed. "What do you want diane?" She looked me straight in the eyes and grabbed me by my shirt. Bringing my face to her's. "Stay away from meliodas! He's mine!" I looked at her with anger, and hatred in my eyes. I could feel my anger rising inside of me. "WHAT THE HELL!!  YOUR WITH KING!  AND BESIDES I DONT LIKE MELIODAS!" I knock her hands off me and start walking away. "Don't walk away from me you whore!" I stoped and turn to diane. "What the hell did you just call me?" I walk over to diane. "I called you a whore. Got a problem with it?" I then lost it.  I wasn't dealing with this bitch anymore. I grab a hand full if diane's hair and slam her face into my knee. I then throw her back and jump on top of her. I punch her over and over agian in the face, not stopping for nothing. Not even for the cracking noises comeing from her face. I lost all control. I couldn't even stop when I hear screams coming form the tavern.  I kept hitting diane Intel I feel something tugging me away from diane. I look up to see ban. I look over to see meliodas and king picking up diane. Ban lets me go, and I hit the ground looking at my bloody knuckles. Ban gets on the ground to and putts his hands on my face and wipes tears away from my eyes. I didn't even know I was crying. "B-ban!" I choked out and jumped towords him. Rapping my arms around him. I burry my face into his chest and cry. "Y-Y\N.. What happened?" I look at ban with tears in my eyes. "I-i didnt m-mean to.... I-i.... " I was cut of by ban shoving my face back onto his chest. "Calm down Y\N. Its ok." I start crying even more and clinch bans shirt. I soon calm down. Ban then picks me uo and takes me inside. He sits me down on a bar stool and lowers himself down to face me. "Y\N what happened?  What did diane say?" At this point meliodas, king, gowther, and Elizabeth was there nect to me and ban. (Hmm I wander were diane is...Hmmmm. Haha oh I remember!!  shes somewhere knocked thd fuck out!  Hahah) "S-she stoped me outside b-by grabbing me by the shirt and told me to s-stay away from cap'n... That he was her's!..  And that's exactly w-what she told me before when me and king still hung out, b-because she wanted him too! I looked down as tears streams down my face. I look over at king. " I j-just wanted to stick up for you king! Cause I k-know that you love diane, but s-she doesn't feel the same!  She's using you!" Kings stund look soffens, and he walks up to me. "That's... NOT TRUE!" My eyes widen and I look into kings eyes. "YOUR JUST JEALOUS THAT ME AND DIANE ARE HAPPY TOGETHER SO YOUR TRYING TO BRAKE US APART!" I looked into kings eyes and anger grew inside me again. " KING IM TRYING TO HELP YOU!  DIANE IS A BITCH THAT IS USING YOU! AND IM NOT JEALOUSE AND I NEVER WILL BE, CAUSE I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU ANYMORE!.. " I get cut off by king. "THEN WHY ARE YOU TRYONG TO PROTECT ME!" King yells. "CAUSE NO MATTER WHAT YOUR STILL MY TEAM MATE SO I STEAL NEED TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU!" King and I stop screaming. "I don't love you anymore. I don't even like you, but your my teammate, so I at least wanted to try." I get up and walk out of the tavern slamming the door behind me.

Sooooo I suck at writing, but I love torturing you guys with my shitty ass book XD so here is some trash byeeeee have a wonderful time!  And see ya next time!!

Ps. I'll update tomorrow!!!

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