A night with him

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Y\N's P.O.V
I wonder meliodas went? I walk over to the bar to Elizabeth. "Hey Elizabeth do you know were meliodas is? We were supposed to open thirty minutes ago." She shakes her head no. "I'm s-sorry I don't know miss Y\N.. " I smile at her. I might seem cool on the outside but in the inside I'm screaming how cute she can be.

*the inside of your brain*


I smile at Elizabeth and walk over to the door. " fuck it. I wantz money." I walk out and look at the three feet diane. She looks down at me with hatred in her eyes. "Hey diane! Were open now so we need our giant advertising girl!" I scream to the giant, but she just scofts at me. " I only take orders from the captain." I roll my eyes. "Fine I just told you cause the captain told me too. I didn't think anyone would want to see your ugly ass anyway. Considering they would have to walk under it." I walk back inside and smirk at what I say. "Miss Y\N why did you say those things.. Sir meliodas never told you to tell her that, and that was kinda harsh." I smile and put my arm around Elizabeth. "Just wait Elizabeth. In three. Two. One. " I said while counting down with my finger. "WE GOT ALE, AND DELISHIS GOODIES! COME ON IN TO THE BOAR HAT!" I look at Elizabeth with a side smirk. She starts at me blankly. "See Elizabeth I know my stuff." I walk over to a table and start wiping a table. I start to raise up and I feel something wrap around my waist and my breasts. I then feel my breasts being fondaled with. My face heats up and I start moaning uncontrollably. I look down and see feet around my waist. I know those shoes. "C-ca~tian." I moan. "Oh how I've missed that sweet sweet moan of yours." I grab Meliodas's hands and put him back in on the floor. I kiss him. "Later babe later." He smirks at me and nods. I walk up to the bar and people start coming in. I then hear heel clicks coming down the stairs. I look over and see Elizabeth talking to ban.. So who is.... I turn back to the stairs and see... GOWTHER!?! I smile at him and walk up to him. "Hey gowther. " gowther looked at me and out of the blue I feel a pressure against my right breast. I look down and look back at gowther with murder in my eyes. "Gowther... What are you doing? " he stops squeezing my boob, but keeps ahold to it. "I'm using the greating the captain showed me." I look over to meliodas and see him talking to Elizabeth. I glare at him Intel he turns to look at me. When he sees what gowther is doing his eyes grow wide and his personality goes dark. He walks over to use and with one swift move gowther's head goes flying. I scream and everyone and the bar yells and runs away. I turn to meliodas. "WHAT D-DID YOU DO!?! " I bury my face in meliodas's chest and try not to cry. "Caption  did I do something wrong?" My eyes widen at that voice.  I turn to see gowther's body picking up his head and re attaching it. I stair at him in shock. Meliodas grabs me and pulls me into his arms. " Gowther Y\N is mine dont touch her agian, or I'll make sure you can't be put back together!" Gowther looks at meliodas blankly and nods. He then walks over to a table and starts to clean it. I look at meliodas. He still had a good grip on me. "C-captian can I... Um.. " meliodas grabes my wrist and pulls me up stairs. Meliodas slams his room door open and tosses me onto the bed. He then jumps on top of me and starts kissing me roughly. I moan as meliodas moves down to my neck. He starts sucking on my neck intel he finds my sweet spot. He soon finds it and attacks it. Causing me to be a moaning mess. He bits down on my neck, and I could feel a thick warm liquid rolling down my neck. He pulls back and pulls me into his lap. He licks the blood  off my neck and off his lips, and kisses me agian. Meliodas was showing so much dominance, and passion. It was such a turn on. He pushes me back down on the bed and rubs my inner thigh. I moan into the kiss. The kiss tasted like iron and salt from the blood. I kinda injoyed it. Meliodas pulls back to give us air and I stair into his deep green eyes. He lays his head on my breasts and I stroke his shining blonde hair. "Are you ok? " meliodas looks at me and nods. "Y\N... You want to just sit up all night and hang out?" I smile at him and nod. " I would love to.. My captian."

AAAHHHH I GOT A NOSE BLEED!!! I NEED HOLLY WATER!!!! AAAHHHH! so I hope you guys like and make sure to leave me a comment on what you think! Byeeeee

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