She is...

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Meliodas's P.O.V
I was down at the bar with Elizabeth groping her breasts, when Ban came down and said king had something to tell me.  I sighed since this ment I have to let go of Elizabeth. "I'll be right back." I say giving  Elizabeth one last sqweez. I walked up the stairs and into king and bans room. "What is it king?" I look down to see king holding Y\N's unconious hand. "HOLLY CRAP KING DID YOU KNOCK UP Y\N? I thought if you knocked up anyone it would be diane."  I say scraching my head. Kings face turned red. "NO! I would never... I mean.. I couldn't. Ok look Y\N has been keeping a secret from everyone and I'm the only one who figured it out." King looked at Y\N with a sad face. "What is it? " ban steps closer and puts his hand on kings shoulder. "S-she... She's the eighth sin." King lifts up Y\N's sleeve to show her sin mark. ".... " silence filled the rest room. "I know. " I say with a straight face. "WHAT!? " ban and king both jumped up. "You knew she was the eighth sin?" King grabbed my shoulders. "Yeah I thought we all knew." I look at ban. "I didn't,  and why did you think we all knew?" Ban snaped. "I thought we were just playing a game were we act like she's not the eighth sin.... Now that I think of it,  that game wasn't fun at all." I scratch my head. King floats back down to Y\N. "So w-what now?  I mean is Y\N going to stay here with us now?" King looked up with hope filled eyes. " yeah.  Infact I was thinking maybe while she sleeps we go ahead and start moveing to the next town so when she wakes up she can't leave haha." I give an evil grin. " sooooo you mean kidnap her?.... I think that's the smartest thing you have ever came up with cap'n." Ban said hitting my back. "You say that like its the first good idea I've ever had." I look down at king to see him holding Y\N's hand agian.  He nods in agreement. "Alright then,  I'm going to start up the boar hat. See you two in a bit."

King's P.O.V
The boar hat starts to rumble.  Showing we were getting ready to move.  I held on to Y\N to make sure she doesn't fall out of the bed. We start moveing our way down to the next town, when Y\N starts to wake up.  She looks at me with her big C\L eyes. "K-k~ii-g-g." She sounded awful, her beautiful soft shy voice now scratchy and hard.  She could barley say my name. "Y\N are you ok?" She said nothing as she pulled me into a hug. I could feel her hot tears streaming down her face as they hit my shoulder. "I-i~~m s~~or-~yy." She whispered in my ear. "Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong." She sqweezed me harder while she started to sob. I didnt want her to cry.  I lay her back down on my bed.  "Y\N you shouldnt be apologizing,  I'm the one who was pissed for no reason and dragged you outside all night,  getting you hurt. Its all my fault.  You were just joking around when you pissed me off... And... I'm sorry that I took it to literally." I stared into her eyes once more before she gave me another hug. "T-h~an-kk~ yo~~."

Y\N's P.O.V
King apologized to me.  I couldn't talk still but I tried to a little for king. He was being so sweet and kind to me,  but then I felt rocking.  I look over to see out the window. We were moveing.  I jumped out of bed leaving a dumb founded king.  I throw open the window and see we were moveing.  I looked at king and pointed out the window. "O-oh yeah... Um ... We know your the eighth sin." King looked down. I fall to the floor. king runs to me. "we are happy your the eighth sin. we all couldn't be happier." I look up to king.  He pulls me into a hug. " we are heading to the next town to look for the last two sins.  And then we are going to save the kingdom... And I hope I have you by my side while we do it all.." Kings word ran threw my mind a billion time.  I smile and hug him back. " o~~-k-k~."

Ok this one sucked but I was going to do this one yesterday but I forgot to save it and so I lost it.  The other one was longer and better but fuck it I tried.  Anyway the next chapter will be better I was in a slump today so this one is trash.  To bye for now

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now