Don't leave

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King's P.O.V
Its was morning. I lay up out of bed to see Y\N was still asleep. She looked so pretty, the light shining from the window hitting her face, makeing it shine. I go down stairs to find a half dead Ban he looked like he was going to die at any moment, buuuuuuut i gave no shit since hes immortal.(ha i would give no shit even if he wasnt immortal XD) I walk in to the kitchan to get food, when a angry Ban grabed my chastiefol. "Ok look I love Y\N she's really cool, but I'm taking my bed back I got no sleep last night and I'm not don't this shit again." "Then were is she going to sleep?" I snap back. "With you!" Ban yelled while throwing me on the ground. Thank god my chastiefol caught me. "You can't be serious!?" I float back up to Bans face. "Fine I'll sleep with her. " he said getting an evil smile on his face.(R.A.P.E. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!! 😅) "HELL NO! She can sleep with me I know what you will do if she sleeps with you! You rapist!" I yell.

Y\N's P.O.V
I awake to some screaming down stairs. It sounded like king yelling, but what was he yelling about? I put on my outfit for the day and sneak down stairs, peaking my head around the corner I could see Ban and king. "like HELL I'll let you go sleep with Y\N! She is way to sweet and kind to get raped by you!" I watched king yell at ban. "As soon as I see her I'll tell her she has to sleep with me for now on ok?" My face turned red at what king just said. I decided to walk threw and act like I just woke up to not embarrasse king. So I step out of the corner, and with a fake yawn I say good morning. Ban waves at me and smirks at king. King keep his head down and nodded. I walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water. "HEY Y\N KING HAS SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!" I hear ban scream. My face turns a dark shade of red, I already known what it is. I walk out of the kitchen and sit down. "Y-yeah what i-is it k-king?" I say trying to not look so embarrassed. "Well Y\N y-your going t-to start s-sleeping with me for n-now on." King's face turned bright red. "W-why is that?" I asked the tomato shaded boy. "B-ban wants his bed b-back." He looked at ban. "OH!" I yelled. "Ok I'm fine with that! I just thought you wanted to sleep together cause you wanted to be a perv." I giggled. Ban falls to the floor laughing his ass off while king freaks out. (Haha yup just scream out that kings a perv 😂) king huffed and flew out the door. "Oh damn Y\N you pissed king off. Ban yelled in between laughs. "Shit!" I ran out the door looking for king. Shit! shit! shit! Was all I could think of. "KING! IM SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! KING!" I looked for hours, and I screamed so much that I almost lost my voice. It was getting dark and I didn't know were I was. "King." I barely got out. I sit down and hold my throat. It was killing me. It started to rain. "GOD DAMN RAIN! WHY THE FUCK IS THERE SO MUCH OF YOU!?" I gave out one last scream before falling over coughing. Gasping for air I fall over still coughing. Then every thing went dark.

*Time Skip*

King's P.O.V
I made it back to the baor hat. I left about three hours ago. I open the door... when all of a sudden I get tackled by meliodas!?! "King were is Y\N?" He asked. "I don't know... WAIT SHES NOT HERE!?!" I scream pushing meliodas to the side. "She went looking for you when you left all pissed... And she didn't come back." Ban said sitting at the bar with meliodas. I look outside to see total darkness. My eyes widen. I ran out the door, slamming it behind me. I started to look for Y\N. I couldn't see shit so I used disaster magic to make it were I could see in the dark. I started my search once agian to find Y\N.

*Time Skip* To Morning.

Elizabeth's P.O.V
Sir king has been out all night looking for miss Y\N. Sir meliodas has been worried sick, and sir Ban has just been getting drunk. "Sir meliodas can we please go look for them?" I ask walking towards him. Sir meliodas rapped his arms around me and stuck his head under my skirt. "Don't be scared Elizabeth, king will find her." I blush. "Oh a-alright."

Ban's P.O.V
That little asshole better find her, or im going to make him wish I did die that day of the demon attack in fairy kingdom. I look at the door. Y\N come back soon.

Ok... Well this is shit but I tried see yah tomorrow guys.

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now