Candy kiss

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Y\N's P.O.V
I looked at king with sad eyes. "W-well..... Let's go see them!" I say practically jumping up and down from excitement. King looked up at me and gives me a big smile. "Yeah... But its a three day journey." I loose all excitement in my eyes. "Whaaaaaaat.... " I groan. "Can you just let me borrow chastiefol and I'll see you there in three days." (Fucking lazy ass just suck it up!!!!..... Buuuut I hate nature so I would do the same heh😅) king sighed. "Even with chastiefol it will take three days." I sigh and nod. "fine let's just head to my place so I can get my things." King nods and we head to my home.

King's P.O.V
So I lied to Y\N that it would take three days with chastiefol. I know that chastiefol could get us there in a snap but.... I just found Y\N and when I saw what those three ass holes were doing to her, it made me so pissed. I just want to spend time with her... At least for three days.. What could go wrong. I follow Y\N to her house to help her get her things. When we made it she threw open the door and jumped on the couch. "*sigh* so comfy." i walk over and sit next to her. "This is really soft." I lay back on the couch with Y\N, then she cuddles up next to me and closes her eyes. I sit there for a few minutes with a tomato shaded face. I wrapped my arms around her and lay my head on her's. I fell her hot breath on my neck, and my face turns even redder. After knowing she was asleep I kiss her forehead and fall asleep too.

*Time Skip*

Y\N's P.O.V
I wake up with a warm object wrapped around me. I look up to see I was in kings chest. I blush and look at his peaceful face. "H-hes... Asleep. " I lay my head back on his chest. "D-did I fall a-asleep on king? A-are we... C-cuddling? " my face heats up even more. I look back at king, he looked so cute. I lean closer to his face, my face getting hotter and hotter. I look at his soft lips. "W-well he kissed me at the bar, and h-he did save me from those three men. M-maybe I should return the favor." I thought as I press my lips against kings. His lips were soft and warm, and he tasted like candy. I separated our lips, and look at his face he had a tint of pink in his cheeks. I smile and lay my face in the crook of his neck. "We can find the sins tomorrow." I yawn and fall back asleep.

Its short I know but I'm bussy. So I just wanted to give you guys something yo hold you over... Till next time bye!

loving you is my sin (king x reader) WARNING lemon involved Where stories live. Discover now