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[MARCH 2nd, 1982]

[MARCH 2nd, 1982]

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"Looks like he's late, again."

Cat forces a smile as she sits across from her mother in law. The two were sitting in one of the most expensive restaurants in town, but Mrs. Kim was not happy. Instead, she's staring at Cat from behind her designer shades, a frown on her lips and her thin hand fanning herself despite how cool it was inside the restaurant. She held tightly to her purse, the ice in her glass of water melting by the second as if she had no intention of staying to begin with. And Cat figures she probably didn't even want to come in the first place. For someone who's husband had been one of the most powerful, feared men in the family, Mrs. Kim hated the mafia. And she made it known very often.

"I love you Cat, dear. I really do." Mrs. Kim says suddenly, reaching across the table to grip Cat's hand with a small smile, "But you really have to think about who you're married to and ask yourself is it worth it sometimes."

Cat tries not to look too surprised by the older woman's words. But she figured she was probably speaking from experience. Suho had the same amount of power and position as his father, so Cat could relate to everything Mrs. Kim had gone through as the wife to such a man. Though Mrs. Kim's experience had turned her into a rather bitter woman, Cat tried to look on the positive side, even if it meant overlooking the many days she spent alone or the countless times her life had been put in danger. It wasn't easy, but Cat figured it was worth it since she did love her husband.

"And then you've got to think about your child as well." Mrs. Kim says, surprising Cat who hadn't quite told her mother in law the good news yet. That was why they were at the restaurant now, waiting on Suho, so they could both tell his mother in person. But Mrs. Kim just waves off Cat's shock to smile at the younger, "You've got that look, the same one I had many years ago. Happy, but scared. Plus I felt that belly of yours when you hugged me earlier. It's so round!-"

Cat ducks her head with an embarrassed smile when the people at the tables nearby look at them at her mother in law's loud words.

"Tell me, how far along are you you now?" Mrs. Kim asks, leaning closer across the table with sudden secrecy.

"Four months." Cat answers quietly with a small smile as she grips her belly beneath her coat. It felt weird admitting it. But she was happy nonetheless. Still, her mother in law gasps and leans back suddenly.

"Oh no." Mrs. Kim mumbles making Cat frown.

"Is something wrong?" She asks, staring at her mother in law worriedly.

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