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[NOVEMBER 22, 1981]

[NOVEMBER 22, 1981]

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2:00 A.M.

"What are you doing?"

Cat jumps, startled at the sound of a familiar voice. She quickly hides the object in her hands behind her back as she turns to face her husband. Suho is standing in the doorway of the bathroom with a confused look that makes her swallow nervously. She forces a smile as she struggles to come up with an excuse, but luckily she doesn't have to.

"Dojoon is missing." Minseok appears beside Suho, before he realizes he's probably intruding on a private moment and quickly apologizes, "Sorry, but his people are here looking for him and they want to see you."

Suho nods, giving Cat one last suspicious look before following Minseok to the living room. Cat lets out a sigh of relief. That was a close call. She tosses the object in the trash, deciding she'd deal with it another time. But she thought now would have been the perfect time. Usually, Suho came home later than this. But tonight it seemed he was home earlier than usual. It made her wonder what the cause was.

And Dojoon was missing? Cat didn't really consider herself to be a nosy person. But she was curious. Curious enough to tighten the belt on her robe and follow her husband and Minseok to the living room. She hides behind one of the walls, not quite wanting to step into the room. Being the wife of a boss meant that she didn't have to involve herself in the troubles of what went on around her. Her husband was supposed to handle everything, but like Maya, Cat liked being involved. She liked knowing what went on around her.

It was better that way. Usually, the wives who didn't know what was going on, were being cheated on and considered "trophy wives". Cat didn't want to be one of them, so she did her best to keep up with things. Which is why she was hiding behind a corner while Dojoon's men stared Suho, Minseok, and the rest of their henchmen down.

"Dojoon is missing." Sungjin, Dojoon's right hand man and a high up middle man says. By the way his eyes are narrowed, Cat can tell that he already suspects Suho had something to do with it. But it wasn't polite for a middleman to outright accuse a boss of such a thing - especially without proof.

"What does that have to do with us?" Minseok asks, having, like Cat, already picked up on Sungjin's implications that they were the reason Dojoon was missing.

"From what I hear, he was seen yesterday with you two." Sungjin says, hands tucked in his pockets as he nods at Minseok and Suho, "Leaving the Park's house too, if im not mistaken."

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