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[May 30th, 1982]

 [May 30th, 1982]

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"What the fuck are you all waiting for, huh? Hurry up and get my damn bags!"

Johnny Park had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling. That's why he prevented himself from taking the nap he so desperately needed to rouse his men up and order them to get ready. They were leaving the house to go to his safe house on the other side of now. And Johnny Park is exhausted. He's just gotten back from traveling several states over to get rid of Jongdae's body for fucks sake. But the feeling in his gut is telling him that a very bad storm is headed his way. And though he hates doing so, he has no choice but to run.

"Hello motherfuckers, I'm talking to you!" He shouts from the backseat of his limousine. But his henchmen are dragging as if they have all the time in the world. And it makes Johnny curse in frustration as he hops from the back of his limousine to yell at them, "You fucking bastards, get moving! If I die, it's on your hands! My blood is on your hands!"

It's dramatic, Johnny's words are. But he realizes in that moment that maybe they aren't. Because he's so busy glaring at his henchman that the first shot that rings out into the air is a complete surprise. And he watches as the bullet goes flying through the forehead's of one of his henchmen, Johnny Park's packed luggage bags falling from the man's hands as he too falls to the floor dead. And that's all it takes before a rain of bullets come flying towards them, the sound of guns firing in the distance. Johnny Park doesn't waste any time in ducking to a crouch behind his limousine, cursing quietly as bullets are embedded into the white vehicle.

And just like that, when he looks up, a majority of his henchmen are either dead or wounded. But there's still enough left to cover him so he can make a run for it. Which is he motions to a henchman also hiding behind the limousine as well. He makes a gesture that says "watch my back" and the henchman nods quickly in understand. Johnny waits for the man to relay the message to the others, all the while listening as the gunfire filling the area dies down. Johnny Park takes in the now flat tire of his limousine and wonders if perhaps this is the end for him.

But it isn't.

They didn't call him "Johnny the Snake" for no reason. He could out-slither death any day, and today would be no different. Which is why, when the henchman gives him the signal, Johnny Park rises to his feet and makes a dash for his front door. Two of his henchmen are holding the golden structure open with desperate looks and all Johnny has to do is keep running. He can feel the heat of the bullets, just barely grazing his skin. And that's how he knows that whoever is doing this is really out to kill him. But, who exactly is it? Who would be bold enough to try and come kill the one and only Johnny Park? Who could be that bold?

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