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[April 27th, 1982]


Sometimes death was silent, even in the mafia. There was no gunfire or harsh words exchanged before hand. Sometimes it resembled that of a butterfly. It came and landed on who it needed to. And somewhere in the serenity and calmness of it all, you realize it's a loss.

And though not many people realized it, there was something much worse than just flat out death in the mafia.

And that, was loss.



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Jongin takes in the familiar setting of Sammy the Butcher's mansion. It was on a hill overlooking the city. The high, white fencing, glass walls, and odd Spanish decorations represented its owner well.

"Hey look, it's us." Kyungsoo says from the other side of Sammy's living room. He's smiling in amusement as he holds up a framed picture. It's from when Sammy decided that he didn't hate them so much and invited them out drinking, though they were underaged. Both Jongin and Kyungsoo look a mixture of afraid and tipsy in the picture while Sammy is grinning wildly with his arms thrown over their shoulders. Jongin shakes his head at the sight, but he can't help but smile as well. That was the start of a wonderful friendship between the three.

"Hey old man-" He calls out, because he came over to try and cheer Sammy up, and he thought maybe if they went out for drinks, that would do the trick. So he grins as he makes his way to the sliding doors because usually, Sammy's favorite place to be was outside in his garden. The man was feared and insane, but even he knew that a rose garden was a beautiful sight. And Sammy took pride in his rose garden, though he only appreciated the beauty of the more dark, red roses. Jongin pulls the sliding doors open, stepping out into the spring sunshine with a grin as he calls out, "Oh old man, weren't you the one saying we had plenty of vice city's to take over? Well, where the hell are you? Let's do it!"

And he's expecting Sammy to shout back, to maybe call him a bastard and tell him to stop shouting in his house. But Jongin frowns when instead he's met with silence. The only sound to be heard is the faint chirping of birds as he makes his way through the path leading to Sammy's garden. His shoes crunch on the gravel and rock as he walks the arid surface, resembling that of a homely desert.

When he makes it to the garden, he spots Sammy sitting at the small, marble table near the edge. His head and arms are slumped on the table and the sight makes Jongin frown.

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