Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat in front of Soos and Mabel. Soos was trying to lick his elbow and Mabel was encouraging him. I just watched with amazed eyes.

"Like the infinite horizon, it eludes my grasp" Soos said. Huh? I raised an eyebrow in confusion, unable to understand what he meant, after thinking a bit, I realized what he meant and smiled at my small accomplishment.

Suddenly, we heard a rather... Off laugh.

"Is that who I think it is?" Mabel said and took my hand, taking me and Soos to some bushes. We peeked out a saw a boy wearing a suit and he had white hair saying something weird. Weird. Everything went black and white and time slowed down.

Suddenly, a black triangle appeared in the sky with flames surrounding it, and it opened one eye. Cool. It laughed then turned into a pyramid like yellow triangle with a bow tie and one eye. He even had a floating hat. As soon as he did, I felt some kind of fluttery feeling in my stomach and as if something is tickling my heart and stomach, it was so weirdly nice that I almost wanted to puke. I glanced at my abdomen and glared and soon the feeling disappeared.

"Ah, Gravity Falls! It's good to be back" the triangle spoke and moved in air as if looking around, a threatening and strange aura around him "Names Bill Cipher, and I take it you're some kind of living ventriloquist dummy?" The tri- Bill laughs as if he said the most hilarious thing "I am just kidding! I know who you are Gideon!" Pidgeon? Weird name. I was about to sneeze until Mabel covered my nose and mouth. I puffed my cheeks and glared at her, my nose feeling weird now.

The boy named Pidg-Gideon shrunk back in raw fear, "w-what are you? H-how do you know my name?" He asked, shaking, trying to appear intimidating. I silently snickered at his failed attempt, the aura of the triangle was terrifying enough for him, however as for me, it was more.... Alluring if anything.

"Oh I know lots of things!" Bill's body became screen like and he spoke in a weird voice "Lots of things!" He said before becoming normal, well, as normal as a glowing triangle can be. "Hey, look what I can do" he spoke before motioning his hands. I watched as teeth flew in his hands and he gave them to Gideon, isn't the deer supposed to be bleeding to death? I thought as I eyed the creature in wonder. "Deer teeth for you kid!" Bill laughed as Gideon dropped the teeth with a scream. Well, I don't blame him, teeth can be quite disgusting in my opinion, I hate it when my own teeth fall too.

I was about to speak about Bill being a twisted tooth fairy but Mabel covered my mouth. I pouted and then looked back. In my own child-like mind, I could only get the feeling that Bill is something else that I can't understand.

"You're insane" Gideon said in fear. Huh? What's insane? I thought with furrowed brows.

"Sure I am, what's your point?" Bill said as the teeth flew away. I looked at Mabel and motioned her to come close.

"What's insane?" I whispered in her ear.

"It means he is sick, in a bad way for others" she whispered back. I nodded and looked back at them, I will search the dictionary later since Mabel's words are not satisfying enough for me. Suddenly, a small rabbit came up to me. I picked it up with a small smile on my face. It nuzzled my cheek. I smiled big and hugged it. It licked my cheek then ran away. I was about to follow it but my eyes fell on Bill. His hands were engulfed in blue flames. They looked so pretty. I gasped, I have always loved and admired flames, even if they are destructive, they are just plain gorgeous.

"Remember! Reality is an illusion, universe is a hologram, buy gold! Bye!" I heard Bill say and then Mabel and Soos pulled me back.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion. They both ran, Soos was holding me on his back. I enjoyed the ride with a silent smile as the wind flew through my hair, tickling my face. We stopped at a store. Soos entered with me on his back, Mabel stayed outside.

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