Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I sat on top of the piano, swinging my legs happily. I heard a noise and Bill gave me a look. I nodded merrily with a big smile knowing what he was asking and he made us pass through the floor and appear on top, in front of Gruncle Ford.

"We'll meet again
Don't know where,
Don't know when.
Oh, I know we'll meet again some sunny day" Bill sang playing the piano. I clapped happily.

"Wh-where am I?" Ford asked.

"You're in the penthouse suite, kid! The tip of the pyramid. Have a drink." Bill snaps his finger and a drink appear in front of Ford and me too "Make yourself comfortable." Bill drinks his own drink and I took a sip of mine, the taste of apple invaded my tongue, Ford sat on a couch "You know that couch is made from living human skin?" The couch opened his eyes, and mouth and Gruncle jumped up.

"Aaah! Quit the games, Cipher! If I'm still alive you must want something from me." Ford exclaimed.

"Ah, as sharp as ever Fordsy, but, wouldn't you like to see your little (y/n) first?" Just as Bill said that, I hugged Ford.

"Gruncle Ford!" I smiled as he bent down and hugged me back.

"Oh my kid, are you okay? What did he do you? What are you even wearing?" He parted and looked at me up and down.

"Dorito gave me this dress, isn't it nice? I love this hat! He's nice Gruncle!" I smiled innocently.

"Now now Angel, will you sit back for a second? I need to talk to your uncle" Bill spoke. Ford made a weird face.

"Okay" I said. Bill picked me up with his stick hands and set me in front of the piano, where he was previously sitting.

"Try to create a tune and tell me when you're done" he told me. I nodded and rubbed my hands. I pushed a button and began playing random tune. As I figured out which button plays which note, I stopped for a second only to hear Bill speaking.

"Imagine living in the second dimension, flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams" I heard him speak before I began playing the tune I sang before, not caring about the rest of his speech, as mom always tells me, its bad to eavsdrop on adults. Lost in playing, I only heard Ford calling Bill insane as I played the piano happily. Hitting random notes, and playing random tunes, trying to match them with a random song I remembered.

After some time, I stopped playing for a second when I heard my name being mentioned, immediately getting attentive towards their conversation. Bill was too busy in the talk to notice I stopped playing, and they were talking about me, so I guess it's okay to hear.

"Yo-you! You love her, don't you?" Ford asked, seemingly shocked.

"" Bill said after a pause.

"Interesting, a demon falling in love, I have heard about demons having mates but never saw one personally. No wonder you haven't hurt her in any way. But it wouldn't change the fact that you are a pedophile" Ford said.

I just began playing the song Bill was playing earlier. After some failed tries, I got exasperated and began playing random notes again.

It wasn't long before I finally got it perfectly.

"Dorito!" I called out. He turned to me and hummed in response. "Come here and watch" I motioned him to come close. He floated up close, I saw Ford all chained up. When he came close, I played the tune and Bill looked happy.

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now