Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was reading a book in my room when I heard loud noises and screams, specifically, Bill's scream, which was actually very common these days, but I still get worried. I listened to them for a few seconds when I realized they were panicked and frightened. I put my book down and dashed to his room, bursting open his door, only to get pulled by strong, really strong air. I held on the door tightly and looked in the room, there, near the bed was a huge malfunctioning portal and Bill was holding on the closet door.

"Bill!! What is going on!?!" I shouted over the whirring noises of the portal, my eyes wide.

"I have no idea!!! I was trying out some new tricks and this happened!!" He screamed back.

"Where in the heavens does this portal even leads to?!?" I shouted as I felt myself slipping. Oh no.

"It's an inter-dimensional portal, I have no idea which dimension it will throw us in!!!" I heard Bill yell.

"Well, you better find a way to get me back! Because I am fucking slipping!" I glared at him. For some reason, none of the furniture was flying, only us. And I was slipping, this is the end, goodbye cruel world.

"Angel! Hold on!!" Bill shouted desperately *Let me find a way to close it!!!"

"I'm trying!!" Oh god, only a few inches. "Bill!!! Help!!" I cried. Just then, my hand slipped and I let go, screaming Bill's name.

"Noo!!!" He screamed jumping towards me, he held me in his arms tightly, and I did the same, just as we fell through the portal, and everything turned black.


As I woke up, I felt a sharp pain in my head, I grunted and heard muffled voices. Curious, I opened my eyes, only to see Bill smiling down on my face. Shocked, I abruptly sat up, bumping my head into someone. As I held my head, I looked up and saw.......... another me! I was shocked as my mouth fell agape. Recovering, I glared at Bill, mentally telling him to explain. He sat down beside me, and just now I noticed the other person standing behind the other me.

"So Angel, when we fell into that portal, you passed out, but, me being used to dimension travelling, I held you tightly, we fell in Reverse Falls, straight in this blue guy's also known as Will's room. " Bill explained "and here, people are like us, but their personalities are switched, for example, I love death, destruction and pain, and I am malicious, diabolical or whatever you want, my counterpart, Will, who's also a dream demon, hates death, destruction and pain, he gets scared easily, real easily, and it's not hard to make him cry" Bill grinned widely.

"Don't even think about it, did you healed me?" I asked.

"Will did" Bill said with an eye roll.

I peeked behind my counterpart, and smiled at Will, "Thank you Will"

"Y-you're welcome" he muttered.

"Oh, and sorry if I scared you" I apologized in case my sudden and frantic movements might have scared him.

"I-its no problem" he nodded so I did scare him. I gave my counterpart a bright smile, but she returned it with a scowl, I'm not amused, I expected this, not actually though. I feel like I'm in a weird story whose writer doesn't know what they write and so they put random stuff in the stories. 

"So, like me and Bill, you two are mates too?" I asked, sitting up properly, Bill took a seat beside me, and my counterpart took a seat in front of me. Will was standing beside her.

"Sadly yes" she rolled her eyes and gave Will a look. A chair appeared behind him as he snapped his fingers, sitting down himself.

"Does any of you have any idea on how are we supposed to get back home?" I asked looking at everyone. They all went silent as I could hear crickets faintly chirping in the background.

A Demon's Mate (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now