Chapter 21

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Author's P.O.V.:

Bill's world shattered, literally, as he saw the body of his soulmate lying on the floor, drowning in her own blood, a silver knife embedded deep in her chest. He crashed to his knees, frozen and unable to move. This was the second time he has felt this feeling.

The feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, pain, sorrow, guilt, fear, devastation, horror, all feelings hit him at once. He couldn't move, couldn't speak, his body just won't listen to him.

He couldn't handle this, he destroyed his own world but managed to get through it, but now that he lost you too, something that he was fully devoted to, someone he looked up to, someone who he could trust without a second thought, someone who loved him and him only, someone who he loved, he didn't knew what to do. You were literally his everything.

"Aww, what's wrong? Poor Billy boy, why are you crying? Feeling sad? You should feel sad, such a nice girl she was, feisty, but nice" Tad spoke. A huge wave of anger, sorrow and regret washed over Bill as he heard the voice of his ex- bestfriend.

"W-why? Why did you do this Tad? Why?" Bill asked him, looking up at the blue demon.

"Oh stop pretending like you don't know, stop pretending like you care because I know you don't" Tad hissed at the man kneeling in front of him.

Bill only looked up at Tad with lost, sad eyes.

"Ugh... You killed everyone, you destroyed your own dimension, family, friends and didn't even bat an eyelash about it. And now, all of sudden, you care, huh? HUH!?!" Tad yelled, tears going down his own eye.

"You killed her" Bill whispered looking down. "You killed her" he said a bit louder. He looked at his hands then raised his head, flames burning in them.

"You killed her, you mofo! You f***ing killed my soulmate!!!" Bill stood up angrily. Tad was scared on seeing the murderous, insane look in his eye.

"Well, you did kill my soulmate and my family too!" Tad didn't knew where he got the sudden confidence from, but he was glad for it.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I wasn't in control of myself! And I have regretted that ever since! (Y/n), My Angel! She was the only one that made me want to stay alive! I only came back for her! She was all I have! And you took her away from me" Bill was angry, tears were cascading down his cheeks.

"Oh f*** off. You took my everything away from me! And its time to pay for your deeds!" Tad said turning into his square form and increasing his size and changing his dimensions. He became a cube with twelve hands and legs. His eye being big and completely empty and black. His body being a dark blue. His hat was tattered too, just his bowtie was normal. Multiple mouths were there on his face, all with tongues out and dripping black saliva.

Bill, in return, turned to his triangular form. Multiple pyramids lined up, all with deadly red, orange and yellow. His eyes were black, but much more black, like a black hole with black tears dripping down. He had total ten hands and ten legs. His mouths were present on the lower pyramids, dripping blood and being sickly yellow. His hat was there, but it was fine, unlike his bowtie which also had a mouth lined with rows of sharp teeth.

Both demons roared and began fighting.... Wrestling fighting. The two pairs of twins peeked in and saw what was going on. Dipper spotted the (h/c) female. He and Mabel silently creeped up to her, avoiding the dream demons. As Dipper got close, he saw what state you were in. Tears filled his and Mabel's eyes. Mabel began bawling her eyes out. Dipper shushed her, trying to stay strong, he carefully took your vulnerable form in his arms and ran to the exit with Mabel in tow. As the twins met the older twins, they broke down, holding you tightly, Dipper and Mabel sobbed. Stan and Ford, both stood there, with tears going down their cheeks. You, an innocent girl that brought smile to everyone, that anyone can look up to, that everyone trusted their secrets with, got in such a big mess and ended up dying. Stan and Ford hugged each other, wailing silently. Dipper held you close to him, your body already becoming cold and your skin turning pale due to loss of blood. Yet, you looked so serene and calm, as if you were pleased and happy. Mabel hugged Dipper and sobbed in his shirt. Their precious little baby sister was dead, and they couldn't do anything to save her.

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